06 Jul 2023 (Season of the Deep - S21)

Khepri's Sting

Void Hunter

06 Jul 2023 (Season of the Deep - S21)

Quick Look



Armor mods

  • Khepri's Sting
    Touch of Venom – Punching someone with full melee energy will instantly cast Smoke Bomb. Your Smoke Bombs deal increased damage, regenerate more quickly when stuck to a surface, and grant you Truesight after damaging a target.
  • Shadowshot: Moebius Quiver
    Super Ability
    Tether foes to a Void Anchor, weakening and suppressing them for you and your allies. Fire two volleys of three Void Arrows that seek nearby targets. Shadowshot makes targets volatile and deals increased damage to tethered targets. Defeating tethered targets creates Orbs of Power.
  • Void Spike
    Void Grenade
    A grenade that attaches to any surface and emits a torrent of damaging Void Light.
  • Snare Bomb
    Void Melee
    Throw a Smoke Bomb that attaches to surfaces and pings target radar, then detonates into a disorienting smoke cloud, weakening nearby targets. Targets within the smoke cloud take damage over time.
  • Gambler's Dodge
    Class Ability
    Dodge to perform a deft tumble, avoiding enemy attacks. Dodging near enemies fully recharges your Melee Ability.
  • Triple Jump
    Movement Ability
    While airborne, sustain your air control with a second or third jump.
  • Trapper's Ambush
    Activate Quickfall to spend your melee charge and dive to the ground, creating a large smoke cloud on impact, which then dissipates. Targets caught in the cloud are weakened, and allies are made invisible. Your Smoke Bomb makes nearby allies invisible when it attaches to nearby surfaces or targets.
  • Stylish Executioner
    Defeating a weakened, suppressed, or volatile target grants Invisibility and Truesight. After performing a Stylish Execution, your next melee attack while invisible weakens targets.
  • Echo of Provision
    Damaging targets with grenades grants melee energy. -10 Strength ▼
  • Echo of Exchange
    Melee final blows grant grenade energy.
  • Echo of Undermining
    Your Void grenades weaken targets. -20 Discipline ▼
  • Echo of Instability
    +10 Strength ▲ Defeating targets with grenades grants Volatile Rounds to your Void weapons.
Armor mods


Orb generation

...Defeating tethered targets creates Orbs of Power. ...

Shadowshot: Moebius Quiver
...Defeating tethered targets creates Orbs of Power.
Grenade cooldown

Echo of Exchange
Melee final blows grant grenade energy.
Melee cooldown

Echo of Provision
Damaging targets with grenades grants melee energy. ...

Khepri's Sting
Touch of Venom – Punching someone with full melee energy will instantly cast Smoke Bomb. ...
Final blows

Echo of Exchange
Melee final blows grant grenade energy.
Defeating an enemy

Stylish Executioner
Defeating a weakened, suppressed, or volatile target grants Invisibility and Truesight. ...

...Defeating tethered targets creates Orbs of Power. ...

Echo of Instability
... Defeating targets with grenades grants Volatile Rounds to your Void weapons.

Shadowshot: Moebius Quiver
...Defeating tethered targets creates Orbs of Power.



The target takes increased damage and has their movement speed slowed. Afflicted combatants have difficulty firing accurately.

Snare Bomb
Throw a Smoke Bomb that attaches to surfaces and pings target radar, then detonates into a disorienting smoke cloud, weakening nearby targets. ...

Trapper's Ambush
... Targets caught in the cloud are weakened, and allies are made invisible. ...

Stylish Executioner
Defeating a weakened, suppressed, or volatile target grants Invisibility and Truesigh... After performing a Stylish Execution, your next melee attack while invisible weakens targets.

Echo of Undermining
Your Void grenades weaken targets. ...

Shadowshot: Moebius Quiver
Tether foes to a Void Anchor, weakening and suppressing them for you and your allies. ...

You vanish from sight and do not appear on radar. While invisible, your radar range is reduced. Performing offensive actions will end invisibility.

Trapper's Ambush
... Targets caught in the cloud are weakened, and allies are made invisibl... Your Smoke Bomb makes nearby allies invisible when it attaches to nearby surfaces or targets.

Stylish Executioner
Defeating a weakened, suppressed, or volatile target grants Invisibility and Truesigh... After performing a Stylish Execution, your next melee attack while invisible weakens targets.

The target is afflicted with unstable Void energy and will explode upon taking additional damage. Volatile Rounds from your Void weapons pierce the shields of Barrier Champions and stun them.

Stylish Executioner
Defeating a weakened, suppressed, or volatile target grants Invisibility and Truesight. ...

Echo of Instability
... Defeating targets with grenades grants Volatile Rounds to your Void weapons.

Shadowshot: Moebius Quiver
...Shadowshot makes targets volatile and deals increased damage to tethered targets. ...

The target is taken out of any active abilities and cannot activate any abilities or movement modes while suppression persists. Afflicted combatants cannot fire their weapons. When suppressed, Overload Champions are stunned.

Stylish Executioner
Defeating a weakened, suppressed, or volatile target grants Invisibility and Truesight. ...

Shadowshot: Moebius Quiver
Tether foes to a Void Anchor, weakening and suppressing them for you and your allies. ...


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