07 Feb 2025 (Episode: Heresy - S26)

New Actium War Rigs Build

Arc Titan

07 Feb 2025 (Episode: Heresy - S26)

Quick Look


Artifact perks

Armor mods

Class items
Ionic trace
Bolt charge
  • Actium War Rig
    Chest Armor
    Auto-Loading Link – Steadily reloads a portion of your equipped Auto Rifle's or Machine Gun's magazine from reserves. Provides a moderate benefit to the airborne effectiveness stat of Auto Rifles and Machine Guns.
  • Delicate Tomb
    Fusion Rifle
    Traitor's Vessel – Fires a wide horizontal spread when shot from the hip. Final blows with this weapon have a chance to generate Ionic Traces. Powerful foes and opposing Guardians always generate Ionic Traces.
  • Adamantite
    Auto Rifle
    Support Frame – Flexible and agile frame capable of healing allies and hurting foes. Harming targets builds a restorative charge. Hip firing at allies while this weapon is charged heals them, with rapid healing increasing allies' weapon damage and spawning Unraveling projectiles.
  • Watchful Eye
    Machine Gun
    Aggressive Frame – High damage, high recoil.
  • Thundercrash
    Super Ability
    Hurtle through the air like a missile and crash into targets to inflict meteoric damage.
  • Pulse Grenade
    Arc Grenade
    A grenade that periodically damages targets within its explosion radius.
  • Ballistic Slam
    Arc Melee
    Bolt Charge
    After sprinting and while airborne, activate your charged melee ability to slam to the ground, dealing damage to nearby targets. Gain stacks of Bolt Charge based on number of targets hit by Ballistic Slam.
  • Rally Barricade
    Class Ability
    Creates a small barrier that you can peek over while aiming down sights; increases weapon reload speed, stability, and range. Draws hostile fire when you stand behind it.
  • Strafe Lift
    Movement Ability
    Jump while airborne to activate Lift and launch into the air with strong directional control.
  • Knockout
    Critically wounding a target or breaking their shield infuses your melee attacks with Arc energy and increases your melee range and damage for a short time. Defeating targets with melee attacks makes you amplified and restores a portion of your health. Defeating more powerful combatants increases the amount of health restored.
  • Storm's Keep
    Bolt Charge
    Cast your class ability to grant a moderate amount of Bolt Charge stacks to you and nearby allies. While behind your Barricade, you and allies gain stacks of Bolt Charge over time and your weapons can discharge max stacks of Bolt Charge.
  • Spark of Discharge
    Ionic Trace
    Bolt Charge
    Arc weapon final blows have a chance to create an Ionic Trace. Collecting an Ionic Trace grants you a stack of Bolt Charge. -10 Strength ▼
  • Spark of Ions
    Ionic Trace
    Bolt Charge
    Defeating a jolted target or defeating a target with Bolt Charge creates an Ionic Trace.
  • Spark of Resistance
    +10 Strength ▲ While surrounded by combatants, you are more resistant to incoming damage.
  • Spark of Amplitude
    Rapidly defeating targets while you are amplified creates an Orb of Power.
Armor mods

Helmet armor mods

  • Heavy Ammo Scout
    When one of your ammo finder perks creates a brick of Heavy ammo for you, it also creates bricks of Heavy ammo for your allies.
  • Harmonic Siphon
    Rapid Arc weapon final blows create an Orb of Power
  • Heavy Ammo Finder
    Increases the drop chance of Heavy ammo upon defeat of an opponent.

Arms armor mods

  • Heavy Handed
    Your powered melee final blows create Orbs of Power.
  • Impact Induction
    Causing damage with a powered melee attack reduces your grenade cooldown.

Chest armor mods

  • Void Resistance (x2)
    Reduces incoming Void damage from combatants.
  • Arc Reserves
    Increases the amount of ammo you can carry for Arc weapons.

Leg armor mods

  • Arc Weapon Surge (x2)
    Collecting an Orb of Power causes you to gain 1 temporary Armor Charge. Your Arc weapons gain a small bonus to damage while you have any Armor Charge. Your Armor Charge now decays over time.
  • Recuperation
    Replenishes health each time you pick up an Orb of Power.

Class item armor mods

  • Special Finisher
    Collecting an Orb of Power causes you to gain 1 temporary Armor Charge. Finishers generate Special ammo for the whole fireteam. Consumes 3 stacks of Armor Charge.
  • Distribution
    Reduces all ability cooldowns when using your class ability near targets.
  • Reaper
    Shortly after using your class ability, your next weapon final blow spawns an Orb of Power.
Artifact perks
  • Piercing Sidearms
    Your equipped Sidearms fire shield-piercing rounds and stun Barrier Champions. Additionally, Sidearms are always overcharged when that modifier is active.
  • Unstoppable Fusion
    Aiming down sights for a brief period with any Fusion Rifle you are wielding loads a powerful explosive payload that stuns unshielded combatants. Strong against Unstoppable Champions. Additionally, Fusion Rifles are always overcharged when that modifier is active.
  • Unstoppable Glaive
    Glaives you wield fire a powerful explosive payload that stuns unshielded combatants. Strong against Unstoppable Champions. Additionally, Glaives are always overcharged when the modifier is active.
  • Dreadful Finisher
    Defeating powerful combatants with your finisher spawns Special ammo for you and your allies; defeated Subjugators, Tormentors, or Champions spawn more ammo.
  • Flashover
    When you gain maximum Bolt Charge, you also become amplified. Lightning bolts deal more damage.
  • Disruptor Spike
    Improves the effects of Exhaust and Sever, lowering a target's damage output even further. Exhausted targets deal reduced outgoing damage.
  • Dielectric
    Defeating Arc debuffed targets grants Bolt Charge. BOOST: Rapidly defeating Arc debuffed targets spawns an Orb of Power and heals a small portion of health.
  • Unraveling Orbs
    Picking up an Orb of Power or a Tangle grants Strand weapons Unraveling Rounds. BOOST: Strand weapons deal increased damage to Strand debuffed targets.
  • Overclock and Load
    While you are amplified or have Bolt Charge, Arc weapons gain increased handling and reload speed.


Orb generation

Heavy Handed
Your powered melee final blows create Orbs of Power.

Spark of Amplitude
Rapidly defeating targets while you are amplified creates an Orb of Power.

... BOOST: Rapidly defeating Arc debuffed targets spawns an Orb of Power and heals a small portion of health.

Harmonic Siphon
Rapid Arc weapon final blows create an Orb of Power

Shortly after using your class ability, your next weapon final blow spawns an Orb of Power.
Orb pickup

Arc Weapon Surge
Collecting an Orb of Power causes you to gain 1 temporary Armor Charge. ...

Special Finisher
Collecting an Orb of Power causes you to gain 1 temporary Armor Charge. ...

Replenishes health each time you pick up an Orb of Power.

Unraveling Orbs
Picking up an Orb of Power or a Tangle grants Strand weapons Unraveling Rounds. ...
Armor Charge create

Arc Weapon Surge
Collecting an Orb of Power causes you to gain 1 temporary Armor Charge. ...

Special Finisher
Collecting an Orb of Power causes you to gain 1 temporary Armor Charge. ...
Armor Charge effect

Arc Weapon Surge
... Your Arc weapons gain a small bonus to damage while you have any Armor Charge. ...
Armor Charge consume

Special Finisher
... Consumes 3 stacks of Armor Charge.
Ability cooldown

Reduces all ability cooldowns when using your class ability near targets.

Ionic Trace
... When picked up, Ionic Traces grant ability energy.
Grenade cooldown

Impact Induction
Causing damage with a powered melee attack reduces your grenade cooldown.
Melee cooldown

Bolt Charge
... Receiving a stack of Bolt Charge grants you melee energy.
Final blows

Heavy Handed
Your powered melee final blows create Orbs of Power.

Spark of Discharge
Arc weapon final blows have a chance to create an Ionic Trace. ...

Delicate Tomb
... Final blows with this weapon have a chance to generate Ionic Traces. ...

Harmonic Siphon
Rapid Arc weapon final blows create an Orb of Power

Shortly after using your class ability, your next weapon final blow spawns an Orb of Power.
Defeating an enemy

... Defeating targets with melee attacks makes you amplified and restores a portion of your health. Defeating more powerful combatants increases the amount of health restored.

Spark of Ions
Defeating a jolted target or defeating a target with Bolt Charge creates an Ionic Trace.

Dreadful Finisher
Defeating powerful combatants with your finisher spawns Special ammo for you and your allies; defeated Subjugators, Tormentors, or Champions spawn more ammo.

Spark of Amplitude
Rapidly defeating targets while you are amplified creates an Orb of Power.

Defeating Arc debuffed targets grants Bolt Charg... BOOST: Rapidly defeating Arc debuffed targets spawns an Orb of Power and heals a small portion of health.

Heavy Ammo Finder
Increases the drop chance of Heavy ammo upon defeat of an opponent.

... Rapidly defeating targets with Arc damage makes you amplified.

Dreadful Finisher
Defeating powerful combatants with your finisher spawns Special ammo for you and your allies; defeated Subjugators, Tormentors, or Champions spawn more ammo.

Special Finisher
... Finishers generate Special ammo for the whole fireteam. ...



The target is energized with destructive Arc Light. They take additional damage while jolted and chain lightning to nearby targets. Jolt damage causes Overload Champions to be stunned.

Spark of Ions
Defeating a jolted target or defeating a target with Bolt Charge creates an Ionic Trace.
Ionic trace

A bolt of pure Arc energy that travels along the ground, seeking toward its creator. When picked up, Ionic Traces grant ability energy.

Spark of Discharge
Arc weapon final blows have a chance to create an Ionic Trac... Collecting an Ionic Trace grants you a stack of Bolt Charge. ...

Spark of Ions
Defeating a jolted target or defeating a target with Bolt Charge creates an Ionic Trace.

Your movement speed and weapon handling are greatly increased. After sprinting for a short time, your movement speed is further increased. Rapidly defeating targets with Arc damage makes you amplified.

... Defeating targets with melee attacks makes you amplified and restores a portion of your health. ...

Spark of Amplitude
Rapidly defeating targets while you are amplified creates an Orb of Power.
Bolt charge

Accumulate stacks of Arc Bolt Charge. While you have Bolt Charge, sustained weapon damage generates stacks of Bolt Charge. At maximum stacks, any ability damage generates a powerful bolt of Arc lightning at the target's location. Receiving a stack of Bolt Charge grants you melee energy.

Storm's Keep
Cast your class ability to grant a moderate amount of Bolt Charge stacks to you and nearby allie... While behind your Barricade, you and allies gain stacks of Bolt Charge over time and your weapons can discharge max stacks of Bolt Charge.

Spark of Discharge
... Collecting an Ionic Trace grants you a stack of Bolt Charge. ...

Spark of Ions
Defeating a jolted target or defeating a target with Bolt Charge creates an Ionic Trace.

Ballistic Slam
... Gain stacks of Bolt Charge based on number of targets hit by Ballistic Slam.


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