Transversive Steps
Leg Armor
Strange Protractor – Sprint speed increased. After a short time sprinting, your currently equipped weapon is automatically reloaded.
01 Dec 2023 (Season of the Wish - S23)
01 Dec 2023 (Season of the Wish - S23)
You regenerate health and shields over time. Cannot be interrupted by taking damage.
A luminous concentration of Solar energy. When picked up, Firesprites grant grenade energy.
You are healed in a burst of mending Solar Light.
A large Solar explosion which deals damage in an area around the target and stuns Unstoppable Champions.
The target is singed by destructive Solar Light, taking damage over time. Scorch damage increases as the target accumulates more Scorch stacks. After enough Scorch stacks are applied to the target, they ignite.