03 Jan 2025 (Episode: Revenant - S25)


Strand Warlock

03 Jan 2025 (Episode: Revenant - S25)

Quick Look


Artifact perks

Armor mods

Class items
  • Swarmers
    Leg Armor
    Swarmers – Destroying a Tangle spawns a Threadling. Your Threadlings unravel targets that they damage.
  • Ex Diris
    Grenade Launcher
    Corrupted Nucleosynthesis – This weapon enrages when dealing or taking sustained damage, gaining increased rate of fire while enraged.
  • Apex Predator
    Rocket Launcher
    Adaptive Frame – A well-rounded grip, reliable and sturdy.
  • Different Times
    Pulse Rifle
    Rapid-Fire Frame – Deeper ammo reserves. Slightly faster reload when magazine is empty.
  • Needlestorm
    Super Ability
    [Super] : Conjure a hail of deadly woven needles. After embedding themselves in the environment, the needles will re-weave into a host of Threadlings. Threadlings you create will return to you and perch if they can't find any nearby targets. Damaging targets with your weapons or melee will send out perched Threadlings to attack.
  • Threadling Grenade
    Strand Grenade
    A woven projectile that reweaves itself into Threadlings while in flight.
  • Healing Rift
    Class Ability
    Conjure a well of power that continuously heals those inside it.
  • Arcane Needle
    Sling a woven needle that will embed in your target, unraveling them. Activate your melee ability again to chain up to two additional attacks.
  • Burst Glide
    Movement Ability
    Jump while airborne to activate Glide and start an airborne drift with a strong initial boost of speed.
  • Weaver's Call
    Activate your class ability to weave three Threadlings and deploy any Threadlings you have perched. Targets defeated by Strand damage have a chance to generate a perched Threadling.
  • Mindspun Invocation
    Your grapple, Shackle Grenade, and Threadling Grenade have enhanced functionality. Your grapple melee spawns three Threadling eggs. : Hold to consume your Shackle Grenade and activate Weaver's Trance. Final blows while Weaver's Trance is active create a suspending detonation. : Hold to consume your Threadling Grenade and immediately generate five perched Threadlings.
  • Thread of Generation
    -10 Discipline ▼ Dealing damage generates grenade energy.
  • Thread of Propagation
    +10 Strength ▲ Powered melee final blows grant your Strand weapons Unraveling Rounds.
  • Thread of Evolution
    Threadlings travel farther and deal additional damage. +10 Intellect ▲
  • Thread of Rebirth
    Strand weapon final blows have a chance to create a Threadling.
Armor mods

Helmet armor mods

  • Dynamo (x2)
    Reduces Super cooldown when using your class ability near targets.
  • Harmonic Siphon
    Rapid Strand weapon final blows create Orbs of Power

Arms armor mods

  • Focusing Strike (x2)
    Grants class ability energy when you cause damage with a powered melee attack.
  • Grenade Kickstart
    Collecting an Orb of Power causes you to gain 1 temporary Armor Charge. When your grenade energy is fully expended, your Armor Charge is consumed and you gain grenade energy for each Armor Charge used.

Chest armor mods

  • Charged Up
    Increases the maximum number of stacks of Armor Charge you can carry by 1.
  • Void Resistance
    Reduces incoming Void damage from combatants.
  • Concussive Dampener
    Reduces incoming area-of-effect damage from combatants.

Leg armor mods

  • Invigoration
    Reduces melee cooldown each time you pick up an Orb of Power.
  • Insulation
    Reduces class ability cooldown each time you pick up an Orb of Power.
  • Stacks on Stacks
    Picking up an Orb of Power grants you 1 additional stack of Armor Charge.

Class item armor mods

  • Reaper
    Shortly after using your class ability, your next weapon final blow spawns an Orb of Power.
  • Outreach
    Reduces melee cooldown when using your class ability.
  • Bomber
    Reduces grenade cooldown when using your class ability.
Artifact perks
  • Emergency Flare
    Emergency Reinforcements consumes all but 1 Armor Charge.
  • Rapid Impacts
    Dealing damage with a Grenade Launcher temporarily increases the reload speed of Grenade Launchers.
  • Killing Breeze
    Rapid weapon final blows grant you a bonus to mobility. Weapon final blows with the Dark Ether Reaper origin trait count as more than one.
  • Unstoppable Pulse Rifle
    Aiming down the sights of a Pulse Rifle for a short time loads a powerful explosive payload that stuns unshielded combatants. Strong against Unstoppable Champions. Additionally, Pulse Rifles are always overcharged when that modifier is active.
  • Anti-Barrier Scout Rifle
    Scout Rifles you are wielding fire shield-piercing rounds and stun Barrier Champions. Additionally, Scout Rifles are always overcharged when that modifier is active.
  • Overload Breechloaded Grenade Launcher
    Damaging a combatant with Primary or Special ammo Grenade Launchers disrupts combatants, stunning them, delaying ability energy regeneration and lowering combatant damage output. Strong against Overload Champions. Additionally, Primary and Special ammo Grenade Launchers are always overcharged when that modifier is active.
  • Total Carnage
    After finishing a powerful combatant, gain temporary damage resistance. While you have 2 or more Shadestalker armor pieces equipped (currently {var:1903370001} of 4), after finishing a powerful combatant, gain increased temporary damage resistance and replenish health.
  • The Thick of It
    Rapid final blows, while surrounded, grant you Armor Charge. BOOST: While you are surrounded, your weapons have increased handling. Swords gain increased charge rate.
  • Concussive Reload
    BOOST: Using Grenade Launchers to damage bosses, Champions, or to break combatants' shields automatically reloads stowed weapons. Using a Grenade Launcher to damage a boss, damage a Champion, or break a combatant's shield weakens them.
  • Curative Orbs
    BOOST: Picking up an Orb of Power, an Elemental pickup, or a Tangle grants you a small amount of health. The first time you break a target's shield or break the shield of a Guardian using their Super, you create an Orb of Power.
  • Debilitating Wave
    BOOST: While you have an Arc, Void, or Stasis Super equipped, the blast also applies Blind, Weaken, and Slow, respectively. Finishers emit a damaging wave that matches the element of your currently equipped Super.


Orb generation

Harmonic Siphon
Rapid Strand weapon final blows create Orbs of Power

Shortly after using your class ability, your next weapon final blow spawns an Orb of Power.

Curative Orbs
... The first time you break a target's shield or break the shield of a Guardian using their Super, you create an Orb of Power.
Orb pickup

Reduces melee cooldown each time you pick up an Orb of Power.

Reduces class ability cooldown each time you pick up an Orb of Power.

Stacks on Stacks
Picking up an Orb of Power grants you 1 additional stack of Armor Charge.

Grenade Kickstart
Collecting an Orb of Power causes you to gain 1 temporary Armor Charge. ...

Curative Orbs
BOOST: Picking up an Orb of Power, an Elemental pickup, or a Tangle grants you a small amount of health. ...
Armor Charge create

The Thick of It
Rapid final blows, while surrounded, grant you Armor Charge. ...

Grenade Kickstart
Collecting an Orb of Power causes you to gain 1 temporary Armor Charge. ...
Armor Charge consume

Grenade Kickstart
... When your grenade energy is fully expended, your Armor Charge is consumed and you gain grenade energy for each Armor Charge used.
Class Ability cooldown

Reduces class ability cooldown each time you pick up an Orb of Power.

Focusing Strike
Grants class ability energy when you cause damage with a powered melee attack.
Grenade cooldown

Thread of Generation
... Dealing damage generates grenade energy.

Grenade Kickstart
... When your grenade energy is fully expended, your Armor Charge is consumed and you gain grenade energy for each Armor Charge used.

Reduces grenade cooldown when using your class ability.
Melee cooldown

Reduces melee cooldown each time you pick up an Orb of Power.

Reduces melee cooldown when using your class ability.
Final blows

Killing Breeze
Rapid weapon final blows grant you a bonus to mobilit... Weapon final blows with the Dark Ether Reaper origin trait count as more than one.

Mindspun Invocation
...Final blows while Weaver's Trance is active create a suspending detonation. ...

Techeun's Regalia Gloves
Queen's Favor – Generate Awoken Favors with fewer final blows. ...

Techeun's Regalia Hood
Queen's Favor – Generate Awoken Favors with fewer final blows. ...

Harmonic Siphon
Rapid Strand weapon final blows create Orbs of Power

The Thick of It
Rapid final blows, while surrounded, grant you Armor Charge. ...

Shortly after using your class ability, your next weapon final blow spawns an Orb of Power.

Thread of Propagation
... Powered melee final blows grant your Strand weapons Unraveling Rounds.

Thread of Rebirth
Strand weapon final blows have a chance to create a Threadling.
Defeating an enemy

Weaver's Call
... Targets defeated by Strand damage have a chance to generate a perched Threadling.

... Unraveled targets unwind into a Tangle when defeated.

... Suspended targets unwind into a Tangle when defeated.

Debilitating Wave
... Finishers emit a damaging wave that matches the element of your currently equipped Super.



The target is permeated with destructive Strand matter. As they take additional damage, they create unraveled projectiles that seek out nearby targets. Unraveling Rounds from your Strand weapons pierce the shields of Barrier Champions and stun them. Unraveled targets unwind into a Tangle when defeated.

Arcane Needle
Sling a woven needle that will embed in your target, unraveling them. ...

Thread of Propagation
... Powered melee final blows grant your Strand weapons Unraveling Rounds.

A creature woven from pure Strand matter that seeks nearby targets and attacks, dealing damage.

... After embedding themselves in the environment, the needles will re-weave into a host of Threadling... Threadlings you create will return to you and perch if they can't find any nearby targets. Damaging targets with your weapons or melee will send out perched Threadlings to attack.

Weaver's Call
Activate your class ability to weave three Threadlings and deploy any Threadlings you have perche... Targets defeated by Strand damage have a chance to generate a perched Threadling.

Mindspun Invocation
Your grapple, Shackle Grenade, and Threadling Grenade have enhanced functionalit... Your grapple melee spawns three Threadling eggs. ... : Hold to consume your Threadling Grenade and immediately generate five perched Threadlings.

Thread of Evolution
Threadlings travel farther and deal additional damage. ...

Thread of Rebirth
Strand weapon final blows have a chance to create a Threadling.

Threadling Grenade
A woven projectile that reweaves itself into Threadlings while in flight.

The target is immobilized by a web of Strand matter, lifting them into the air. While suspended, Guardians are unable to move freely, combatants are unable to move or fire their weapon, and Unstoppable Champions are stunned. Suspended targets unwind into a Tangle when defeated.

Mindspun Invocation
...Final blows while Weaver's Trance is active create a suspending detonation. ...


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