This build is to make champs easy and fast to deal with in end game content, for the kinetic slot tinasha’s mastery with chill clip for its champion stunning capabilities and ammo economy, for the special weapon icebreaker for its ammo regeneration and powerful ignition damage, the heavy weapon will be Chill Inhibitor with envious arsenal : bait and switch because it has the best damage output in the game. For exotic armour use any piece which makes it easy to take care of champs for titans synthos,hunters probably celestial and warlocks no damn clue don’t play the class.
ROTATION: 1. Shoot 3 shots of tinasha’s mastery for freeze 2. Fire icebreaker for the shatter damage and ignition + ammo refund from catalyst 3. Shoot all rounds of chill inhibitor with bait and switch proct 4. The champ should be dead by now but if not repeat the rotation