19 Dec 2023 (Season of the Wish - S23)

Strand Dragonbreath

Strand Hunter
Lost Sectors

19 Dec 2023 (Season of the Wish - S23)

Quick Look


Artifact perks

Armor mods

Class items
Woven mail
  • Star-Eater Scales
    Leg Armor
    Feast of Light – You gain additional Super energy from Orbs of Power you pick up. While your Super energy is full, picking up an Orb of Power overcharges your Super, causing you to gain a burst of healing when cast and a bonus to your Super damage. At maximum overcharge, you also gain an overshield.
  • Dragon's Breath
    Rocket Launcher
    Composite Propellant – Rockets embed themselves in struck targets and periodically eject incendiary fuel that inflicts Scorch. The longer this weapon goes without firing, the more fuel the next rocket contains.
  • Epochal Integration
    Hand Cannon
    Adaptive Frame – A well-rounded grip, reliable and sturdy.
  • Peacebond
    Adaptive Burst – Well-rounded, reliable, fires a 3-round burst.
  • Silkstrike
    Super Ability
    Weave a vicious rope dart and tear through your targets. [Light Attack] : Swing the rope dart in front of you to deal damage. The tip of the dart deals bonus damage, and defeating targets with the tip causes them to explode. [Heavy Attack] : Swing the rope dart in a circular motion to deal heavy damage all around you. : Use the grapple to move forward quickly.
  • Shackle Grenade
    Strand Grenade
    A thrown weapon of weighted Strand matter that detonates on impact, suspending targets and creating additional suspending subprojectiles.
  • Threaded Spike
    Strand Melee
    Throw a rope dart that bounces between targets, damaging and severing them. The dart will return to you once it's done, returning melee energy to you for each target hit. Press [Melee] just as the dart gets back to you to catch it and increase the amount of energy returned.
  • Gambler's Dodge
    Class Ability
    Dodge to perform a deft tumble, avoiding enemy attacks. Dodging near enemies fully recharges your Melee Ability.
  • Triple Jump
    Movement Ability
    While airborne, sustain your air control with a second or third jump.
  • Whirling Maelstrom
    Destroying a Tangle will weave a violent, writhing mass of Strand fibers. The Strand mass seeks out and damages targets, emitting Unraveling projectiles when it defeats them.
  • Threaded Specter
    Activating your class ability leaves behind a decoy woven from Strand matter that draws the attention of nearby combatants. After taking significant damage or when combatants approach, the decoy detonates, dealing damage and releasing Threadlings that seek out and attack nearby foes.
  • Thread of Propagation
    +10 Strength ▲ Powered melee final blows grant your Strand weapons Unraveling Rounds.
  • Thread of Evolution
    Threadlings travel farther and deal additional damage. +10 Intellect ▲
  • Thread of Transmutation
    Woven Mail
    +10 Strength ▲ While you have Woven Mail, weapon final blows create a Tangle.
  • Thread of Warding
    Woven Mail
    -10 Resilience ▼ Picking up an Orb of Power grants Woven Mail.
Armor mods

Helmet armor mods

  • Solar Siphon
    Rapid Solar weapon final blows create an Orb of Power.
  • Heavy Ammo Finder
    Increases the drop chance of Heavy ammo upon defeat of an opponent.

Arms armor mods

  • Solar Loader
    Increases reload speed of Solar weapons.
  • Stasis Loader
    Increases reload speed of Stasis weapons.

Chest armor mods

  • Solar Resistance (x2)
    Reduces incoming Solar damage from combatants.
  • Concussive Dampener
    Reduces incoming area-of-effect damage from combatants.

Leg armor mods

  • Innervation
    Reduces grenade cooldown each time you pick up an Orb of Power.
  • Recuperation
    Replenishes health each time you pick up an Orb of Power.
  • Solar Scavenger
    Solar weapons get bonus reserves when picking up ammo used by that weapon.

Class item armor mods

  • Powerful Attraction
    Automatically collects nearby Orbs of Power when you activate your class ability.
  • Bomber (x2)
    Reduces grenade cooldown when using your class ability.
Artifact perks
  • Rays of Precision
    While radiant, Solar precision final blows cause combatants to ignite.
  • Solo Operative
    While you are the only member of your fireteam, you deal increased damage to all combatants.
  • From Whence You Came
    Increases ability damage to Taken and Scorn combatants.
  • Kindling Trigger
    Radiant causes Solar weapons to apply scorch to unscorched combatants.
  • Blast Radius
    Rapid final blows with Rocket Launchers and Grenade Launchers grant Armor Charge.
  • Wished into Being
    While your Super is nearly fully-charged, ability final blows spawn Orbs of Power.   Wearing Season of the Wish armor decreases Super amount threshold.
  • Origin Perk Specialization II
    Improves the benefits provided by the Noble Deeds, Unsated Hunger, Head Rush, and Dragon's Vengeance Origin Traits. Additionally, weapons with these traits are always overcharged.
  • Flint Striker
    Rapid Solar weapon precision hits and rapid Solar weapon final blows grant Radiant.
  • Piercing Sidearms
    Your equipped Sidearms fire shield-piercing rounds and stun Barrier Champions. Additionally, Sidearms are always overcharged when that modifier is active.
  • Unstoppable Bow
    Holding a Bow fully drawn for a short time loads powerful explosive payload that stuns unshielded combatants. Strong against Unstoppable Champions. Additionally, Bows are always overcharged when that modifier is active.
  • Unstoppable Hand Cannon
    Aiming down the sights of a Hand Cannon for a short time loads a powerful explosive payload that stuns unshielded combatants. Strong against Unstoppable Champions. Additionally, Hand Cannons are always overcharged when the modifier is active.
  • Unravelling Orbs
    Picking up an Orb of Power grants Strand weapons Unraveling Rounds.


Orb generation

Wished into Being
While your Super is nearly fully-charged, ability final blows spawn Orbs of Power. ...

Solar Siphon
Rapid Solar weapon final blows create an Orb of Power.
Orb pickup

Star-Eater Scales
... While your Super energy is full, picking up an Orb of Power overcharges your Super, causing you to gain a burst of healing when cast and a bonus to your Super damage. ...

Reduces grenade cooldown each time you pick up an Orb of Power.

Replenishes health each time you pick up an Orb of Power.

Thread of Warding
... Picking up an Orb of Power grants Woven Mail.

Unravelling Orbs
Picking up an Orb of Power grants Strand weapons Unraveling Rounds.
Armor Charge create

Blast Radius
Rapid final blows with Rocket Launchers and Grenade Launchers grant Armor Charge.
Grenade cooldown

Reduces grenade cooldown each time you pick up an Orb of Power.

Reduces grenade cooldown when using your class ability.
Melee cooldown

Threaded Spike
... The dart will return to you once it's done, returning melee energy to you for each target hit. ...
Final blows

Rays of Precision
While radiant, Solar precision final blows cause combatants to ignite.

Blast Radius
Rapid final blows with Rocket Launchers and Grenade Launchers grant Armor Charge.

Wished into Being
While your Super is nearly fully-charged, ability final blows spawn Orbs of Power. ...

Flint Striker
Rapid Solar weapon precision hits and rapid Solar weapon final blows grant Radiant.

Thread of Propagation
... Powered melee final blows grant your Strand weapons Unraveling Rounds.

Thread of Transmutation
... While you have Woven Mail, weapon final blows create a Tangle.

Solar Siphon
Rapid Solar weapon final blows create an Orb of Power.
Defeating an enemy

...The tip of the dart deals bonus damage, and defeating targets with the tip causes them to explode. ...

Whirling Maelstrom
... The Strand mass seeks out and damages targets, emitting Unraveling projectiles when it defeats them.

Heavy Ammo Finder
Increases the drop chance of Heavy ammo upon defeat of an opponent.

... Defeating targets afflicted by any Strand debuff will unwind them and create a Tangle.

... Severed targets unwind into a Tangle when defeated.

... Suspended targets unwind into a Tangle when defeated.

... Unraveled targets unwind into a Tangle when defeated.


Woven mail

Your body is encased in a protective mesh of tightly woven Strand matter, greatly reducing any incoming non-precision damage.

Thread of Transmutation
... While you have Woven Mail, weapon final blows create a Tangle.

Thread of Warding
... Picking up an Orb of Power grants Woven Mail.

A knot of Strand matter, swirling with potential. Tangles can be shot and destroyed, or picked up and thrown, dealing damage. Defeating targets afflicted by any Strand debuff will unwind them and create a Tangle.

Thread of Transmutation
... While you have Woven Mail, weapon final blows create a Tangle.

Whirling Maelstrom
Destroying a Tangle will weave a violent, writhing mass of Strand fibers. ...

A creature woven from pure Strand matter that seeks nearby targets and attacks, dealing damage.

Thread of Evolution
Threadlings travel farther and deal additional damage. ...

Threaded Specter
... After taking significant damage or when combatants approach, the decoy detonates, dealing damage and releasing Threadlings that seek out and attack nearby foes.

The target's connections to the world around them are cut, and their outgoing damage is significantly reduced. Severed targets unwind into a Tangle when defeated.

Threaded Spike
Throw a rope dart that bounces between targets, damaging and severing them. ...

The target is immobilized by a web of Strand matter, lifting them into the air. While suspended, Guardians are unable to move freely, combatants are unable to move or fire their weapon, and Unstoppable Champions are stunned. Suspended targets unwind into a Tangle when defeated.

Shackle Grenade
A thrown weapon of weighted Strand matter that detonates on impact, suspending targets and creating additional suspending subprojectiles.

The target is permeated with destructive Strand matter. As they take additional damage, they create unraveled projectiles that seek out nearby targets. Unraveling Rounds from your Strand weapons pierce the shields of Barrier Champions and stun them. Unraveled targets unwind into a Tangle when defeated.

Thread of Propagation
... Powered melee final blows grant your Strand weapons Unraveling Rounds.

Whirling Maelstrom
... The Strand mass seeks out and damages targets, emitting Unraveling projectiles when it defeats them.


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