This build is designed to constantly Weaken your targets and have Devour active almost always.
You’ll want your stats mainly put into Resilience and Discipline.
How to use the Build: Throw your Scatter Grenade at enemies to weaken them. Kill the weaken targets(either with Graviton Lance or your grenade) to proc Devour. Throw your Shield at targets to grant yourself an Overshield to proc Offensive Bulwark. Go grab the Orbs of Power to increase Graviton Lance’s damage and to get melee energy. Kill the enemies and throw your shield until you get your grenade back then Repeat.
Side Notes: If there’s Overload Champions switch to Supression Grenade. Make sure to pick up Void Breaches so you can weaken people with Graviton Lance and Shield Throw.
IMPORTANT: Use a Weakening Tonic. It’s still very viable without the tonic but the tonic takes it to another level.