VIDEO LINK - Sorry for low quality I uploaded this from my PS5. I got halfway through the boss encounter and choked =( You can definitely solo with this build but to be fair I haven’t done that yet.
Class Item is spirit of Inmost and Spirt of Coyote. Spirit of inmost is the really carry so if you don’t have that roll you can maybe sub in spirit of Cyrtarachne or Synthoceps but anything else is useless. The idea of this build is to just ability spam plain and simple. Rotate through using your super and transcendence but honestly with how quick you can farm transcendence it doesn’t matter to much. You can slot in facet of balance for more ability regen instead of facet of purpose.
On Breach light the ideal roll is Pugilst with swashbuckler, but pugilst will be fine on it’s own. (SLICE DOES NOT ACTIVATE WITH ACENSION. DON’T USE IT.)
Edge of Concurrence is pretty self explanatory. Your heavy weapon can be slotted out for either a linear or machine gun. I use a linear in the video but I wanted this build to be accessible to people who might not have scintillation. Make sure to equip unstop fusion and particle reconstruction if you’re using a linear. I like to use pro-memoria for Damage Resist from Heavy Ordnance as well as the heals from Hold the Line if you run out of glaive ammo. Best roll for a machine gun would be reconstruction/envious with target lock/bait and switch.
You can swap facet of purpose for something else like Awakening, Balance, Protection, or Blessing. I like facet of purpose for the over shield. Prioritize Resilence then Mobilty for your armor mods. If you use spirit of Cyrtarachne or Synthoceps you might want to Prioritize Resilence then Discipline/Strength respectively.