14 Feb 2024 (Season of the Wish - S23)


Stasis Warlock

14 Feb 2024 (Season of the Wish - S23)

Quick Look


Artifact perks

Armor mods

Class items
Stasis crystal
  • Aeon Soul
  • Wicked Implement
    Scout Rifle
    Creeping Attrition – Rapidly landing precision hits causes targets to become slowed.
  • Reed's Regret
    Linear Fusion Rifle
    Precision Frame – Fires a long-range precision energy bolt. This weapon's recoil pattern is more predictably vertical.
  • Indebted Kindness
    Rocket-Assisted Frame – Sidearm fires self-propelled rocket ammunition. Projectiles explode on impact for high damage.
  • Duskfield Grenade
    Stasis Grenade
    A grenade that shatters on impact, leaving behind a field that slows targets and freezes those who do not leave the volume.
  • Penumbral Blast
    Stasis Melee
    Raise your Stasis staff against your foe. Send a blast of Stasis forward to freeze your targets.
  • Healing Rift
    Class Ability
    Conjure a well of power that continuously heals those inside it.
  • Strafe Glide
    Movement Ability
    Jump while airborne to activate Glide and start an airborne drift with strong directional control.
  • Bleak Watcher
    : Hold to convert your grenade into a Stasis turret that fires slowing projectiles at nearby targets. ASPECT OF INFLUENCE Purchase this Stasis Aspect from the Exo Stranger on Europa after completing the Beyond Light campaign.
  • Iceflare Bolts
    Shattering a frozen target spawns seekers that track and freeze other nearby targets. ASPECT OF CONTROL Purchase this Stasis Aspect from the Exo Stranger on Europa after completing the Beyond Light campaign.
  • Whisper of Rending
    Stasis Crystal
    Purchase this Stasis Fragment from the Exo Stranger on Europa after completing the Beyond Light campaign. Primary ammo weapons do increased damage to Stasis crystals and frozen targets.
  • Whisper of Durance
    +10 Strength ▲ Purchase this Stasis Fragment from the Exo Stranger on Europa after completing the Beyond Light campaign. Slow that you apply to targets lasts longer. For those abilities that linger, their duration will also increase.
  • Whisper of Bonds
    Defeating frozen targets generates an Orb of Power. Purchase this Stasis Fragment from the Exo Stranger on Europa after completing the Beyond Light campaign. -10 Intellect ▼
  • Whisper of Shards
    Stasis Crystal
    Shattering a Stasis crystal temporarily boosts your grenade recharge rate. Shattering additional Stasis crystals increases the duration of this benefit. Purchase this Stasis Fragment from the Exo Stranger on Europa after completing the Beyond Light campaign.
Armor mods

Helmet armor mods

  • Heavy Ammo Scout
    When one of your ammo finder perks creates a brick of Heavy ammo for you, it also creates bricks of Heavy ammo for your allies.
  • Harmonic Siphon
    Rapid Stasis weapon final blows create an Orb of Power
  • Heavy Ammo Finder
    Increases the drop chance of Heavy ammo upon defeat of an opponent.

Arms armor mods

  • Impact Induction
    Causing damage with a powered melee attack reduces your grenade cooldown.
  • Grenade Kickstart (x2)
    Collecting an Orb of Power causes you to gain 1 temporary Armor Charge. When your grenade energy is fully expended, your Armor Charge is consumed and you gain grenade energy for each Armor Charge used.

Chest armor mods

  • Charged Up
    Increases the maximum number of stacks of Armor Charge you can carry by 1.
  • Arc Resistance (x2)
    Reduces incoming Arc damage from combatants.

Leg armor mods

  • Innervation
    Reduces grenade cooldown each time you pick up an Orb of Power.
  • Stacks on Stacks
    Picking up an Orb of Power grants you 1 additional stack of Armor Charge.
  • Recuperation
    Replenishes health each time you pick up an Orb of Power.

Class item armor mods

  • Reaper
    Shortly after using your class ability, your next weapon final blow spawns an Orb of Power.
  • Bomber (x2)
    Reduces grenade cooldown when using your class ability.
Artifact perks
  • Hail The Storm
    Shattering frozen targets and Stasis crystals deals increased damage. Shattering Stasis crystals releases shards of ice that damage and slow targets.
  • From Whence You Came
    Increases ability damage to Taken and Scorn combatants.
  • Kindling Trigger
    Radiant causes Solar weapons to apply scorch to unscorched combatants.
  • Wished into Being
    While your Super is nearly fully-charged, ability final blows spawn Orbs of Power.   Wearing Season of the Wish armor decreases Super amount threshold.
  • Heart of the Flame
    Casting your Solar Super grants nearby allies radiant and increases the damage of your Super for each nearby ally.
  • Flint Striker
    Rapid Solar weapon precision hits and rapid Solar weapon final blows grant Radiant.
  • Overload Pulse Rifle
    Sustained fire from Pulse Rifles disrupts combatants, stunning them, delaying ability energy regeneration and lowering combatant damage output. Strong against Overload Champions. Additionally, Pulse Rifles are always overcharged when that modifier is active.
  • Piercing Sidearms
    Your equipped Sidearms fire shield-piercing rounds and stun Barrier Champions. Additionally, Sidearms are always overcharged when that modifier is active.
  • Unstoppable Bow
    Holding a Bow fully drawn for a short time loads powerful explosive payload that stuns unshielded combatants. Strong against Unstoppable Champions. Additionally, Bows are always overcharged when that modifier is active.
  • Overload Rocket Launchers
    Rocket Launchers are especially affective against Overload Champions.
  • Pillar of Ice
    Defeating a frozen target spawns Stasis crystals.
  • Revitalizing Blast
    Causing damage with a Solar ability weakens Champions and bosses for a short duration.


Orb generation

Whisper of Bonds
Defeating frozen targets generates an Orb of Power. ...

Wished into Being
While your Super is nearly fully-charged, ability final blows spawn Orbs of Power. ...

Harmonic Siphon
Rapid Stasis weapon final blows create an Orb of Power

Shortly after using your class ability, your next weapon final blow spawns an Orb of Power.
Orb pickup

Reduces grenade cooldown each time you pick up an Orb of Power.

Stacks on Stacks
Picking up an Orb of Power grants you 1 additional stack of Armor Charge.

Replenishes health each time you pick up an Orb of Power.

Grenade Kickstart
Collecting an Orb of Power causes you to gain 1 temporary Armor Charge. ...
Armor Charge create

Grenade Kickstart
Collecting an Orb of Power causes you to gain 1 temporary Armor Charge. ...
Armor Charge consume

Grenade Kickstart
... When your grenade energy is fully expended, your Armor Charge is consumed and you gain grenade energy for each Armor Charge used.
Grenade cooldown

Reduces grenade cooldown each time you pick up an Orb of Power.

Impact Induction
Causing damage with a powered melee attack reduces your grenade cooldown.

Grenade Kickstart
... When your grenade energy is fully expended, your Armor Charge is consumed and you gain grenade energy for each Armor Charge used.

Reduces grenade cooldown when using your class ability.
Final blows

Wished into Being
While your Super is nearly fully-charged, ability final blows spawn Orbs of Power. ...

Flint Striker
Rapid Solar weapon precision hits and rapid Solar weapon final blows grant Radiant.

Harmonic Siphon
Rapid Stasis weapon final blows create an Orb of Power

Shortly after using your class ability, your next weapon final blow spawns an Orb of Power.
Defeating an enemy

Whisper of Bonds
Defeating frozen targets generates an Orb of Power. ...

Pillar of Ice
Defeating a frozen target spawns Stasis crystals.

Heavy Ammo Finder
Increases the drop chance of Heavy ammo upon defeat of an opponent.



The target is trapped in Stasis matter and is unable to move. After taking additional damage while frozen, the target shatters.

Duskfield Grenade
A grenade that shatters on impact, leaving behind a field that slows targets and freezes those who do not leave the volume.

Whisper of Rending
Purchase this Stasis Fragment from the Exo Stranger on Europa after completing the Beyond Light campaign. Primary ammo weapons do increased damage to Stasis crystals and frozen targets.

Penumbral Blast
... Send a blast of Stasis forward to freeze your targets.

Whisper of Bonds
Defeating frozen targets generates an Orb of Power. Purchase this Stasis Fragment from the Exo Stranger on Europa after completing the Beyond Light campaign. -10 Intellect ▼

Iceflare Bolts
Shattering a frozen target spawns seekers that track and freeze other nearby targets. ...
Stasis crystal

A crystal of solidified Stasis matter. Upon creation, freezes nearby combatants and slows nearby players. Crystals can be destroyed, dealing damage in an area.

Whisper of Rending
... Primary ammo weapons do increased damage to Stasis crystals and frozen targets.

Whisper of Shards
Shattering a Stasis crystal temporarily boosts your grenade recharge rate. Shattering additional Stasis crystals increases the duration of this benefit. ...

The target has slowed movement and ability regeneration; their weapon performance is reduced. Overload Champions are stunned. After accumulating enough Slow stacks, the target is frozen.

Duskfield Grenade
A grenade that shatters on impact, leaving behind a field that slows targets and freezes those who do not leave the volume.

Bleak Watcher
: Hold to convert your grenade into a Stasis turret that fires slowing projectiles at nearby targets. ...

Whisper of Durance
... Slow that you apply to targets lasts longer. ...

When a frozen target is shattered, they take damage and deal damage to nearby targets. Shatter damage causes Unstoppable Champions to be stunned.

Whisper of Shards
Shattering a Stasis crystal temporarily boosts your grenade recharge rate. Shattering additional Stasis crystals increases the duration of this benefit. ...

Iceflare Bolts
Shattering a frozen target spawns seekers that track and freeze other nearby targets. ...


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