21 Jun 2024 (Episode: Echoes - S24)


Arc Hunter

21 Jun 2024 (Episode: Echoes - S24)

Quick Look


Artifact perks

Armor mods

Class items
Ionic trace
  • Gifted Conviction
    Chest Armor
    The Gift of Certainty – Activating Ascension or Tempest Strike throws bouncing explosives at nearby targets that jolt and damage them. Jolting nearby targets grants you damage resistance.
  • Edge of Concurrence
    Edge of Concurrence – Hybrid melee/ranged polearm with a frontal shield. Generates energy on dealing ranged damage. [Aim Down Sights] : Raise shield, depleting energy over time [Melee] : Kinetic melee combo
  • Dire Promise
    Hand Cannon
    Adaptive Frame – A well-rounded grip, reliable and sturdy.
  • Half-Truths
    Adaptive Frame – [Heavy Attack] : Launch a heavy uppercut attack. Heavy attacks are stronger with full energy.
  • Storm's Edge
    Super Ability
    Summon an electrified dagger and throw it in your aim direction. When the dagger hits a surface or a target, you blink to its location and perform a powerful whirling strike, damaging any nearby targets. Can be reactivated after the strike to perform additional throws. If the dagger flies for long enough without impacting anything, it detonates and you blink to the detonation location.
  • Skip Grenade
    Arc Grenade
    A grenade that splits upon impact, creating multiple projectiles that seek targets.
  • Disorienting Blow
    Arc Melee
    Striking a target with this melee ability blinds them and amplifies you.
  • Gambler's Dodge
    Class Ability
    Dodge to perform a deft tumble, avoiding enemy attacks. Dodging near enemies fully recharges your Melee Ability.
  • Strafe Jump
    Movement Ability
    While airborne, jump a second time with strong directional control.
  • Tempest Strike
    While sliding, activate your charged melee ability to unleash a devastating uppercut attack that travels along the ground in front of you, damaging and jolting targets it hits.
  • Ascension
    [Air Move] While airborne, consume your class ability energy to summon your Arc Staff, propelling yourself upward and creating a burst of energy around you that amplifies allies and jolts targets.
  • Spark of Focus
    After sprinting for a short time, your class ability regeneration is increased. -10 {primary stat} ▼
  • Spark of Ions
    Ionic Trace
    Defeating a jolted target creates an Ionic Trace.
  • Spark of Recharge
    While critically wounded, your melee and grenade energy regenerates more quickly.
  • Spark of Instinct
    While critically wounded, taking damage emits a burst of damaging Arc energy that jolts targets.
Armor mods

Helmet armor mods

  • Kinetic Targeting
    Improved target acquisition, accuracy, and aim-down-sights speed for Kinetic weapons.
  • Harmonic Siphon
    Rapid Arc weapon final blows create an Orb of Power
  • Hands-On
    Gain bonus Super energy on melee kills.

Arms armor mods

  • Kinetic Dexterity
    Faster ready and stow speed for Kinetic weapons.
  • Fastball
    Increases grenade throw distance.
  • Momentum Transfer
    Causing damage with a grenade reduces your melee cooldown.

Chest armor mods

  • Unflinching Kinetic Aim
    Reduces flinching from incoming fire while aiming a Kinetic weapon.
  • Lucent Blades (x2)
    Increases the energy recharge rate of your equipped Swords. Your equipped Glaives gain more energy from dealing damage with their ranged attacks.

Leg armor mods

  • Arc Weapon Surge
    Collecting an Orb of Power causes you to gain 1 temporary Armor Charge. Your Arc weapons gain a small bonus to damage while you have any Armor Charge. Your Armor Charge now decays over time.
  • Better Already
    Your health begins to regenerate immediately after picking up an Orb of Power.
  • Kinetic Holster
    Gradually reloads your stowed Kinetic weapons over time.

Class item armor mods

  • Font of Restoration
    Collecting an Orb of Power causes you to gain 1 temporary Armor Charge. You gain a bonus to recovery while you have any Armor Charge. Your Armor Charge now decays over time.
  • Reaper
    Shortly after using your class ability, your next weapon final blow spawns an Orb of Power.
  • Outreach
    Reduces melee cooldown when using your class ability.
Artifact perks
  • Expanding Abyss
    Void sources deal increased damage to weakened targets.
  • Transference
    Gain increased grenade and melee damage while transcendent. Weapon final blows while transcendent refund Light and Dark energy after Transcendence ends.
  • Winning Hand
    While using weapons with the Dealer's Choice origin trait, combatant precision final blows or rapidly defeating combatants cause the target to explode, dealing Solar damage to nearby combatants. Having several equipped weapons with the Dealer's Choice origin trait increases the effect of the explosion.
  • Saint's Inspiration
    Rounds loaded by the Cast No Shadows origin perk can overflow the magazine.
  • Void Hegemony
    While you have a Void or Prismatic subclass equipped, defeating weakened targets provides a small Void Overshield.
  • Galvanic Armor
    While you have an Arc or Prismatic subclass equipped, incoming damage from combatants is reduced while amplified.
  • Radiant Orbs
    While you have a Solar or Prismatic subclass equipped, picking up an Orb of Power makes you radiant.
  • Creeping Chill
    Stasis weapon final blows against slowed or frozen targets release a burst that slows.
  • Elemental Siphon
    Rapid final blows with a Kinetic weapon or a weapon matching your equipped Super create an elemental pickup that matches your equipped Super.
  • Overload Hand Cannon
    Landing consecutive hits with any Hand Cannon you are wielding disrupts combatants, stunning them, delaying ability energy regeneration and lowering combatant damage output. Strong against Overload Champions. Additionally, Hand Cannons are always overcharged when the modifier is active.
  • Anti-Barrier Pulse Rifle
    Your equipped Pulse Rifles fire shield-piercing rounds and stun Barrier Champions. Additionally, Pulse Rifles are always overcharged when that modifier is active.
  • Unstoppable Sidearm
    Aiming down the sights of a Sidearm for a short time loads a powerful explosive payload that stuns unshielded combatants. Strong against Unstoppable Champions. Additionally, Sidearms are always overcharged when the modifier is active.


Orb generation

Harmonic Siphon
Rapid Arc weapon final blows create an Orb of Power

Shortly after using your class ability, your next weapon final blow spawns an Orb of Power.
Orb pickup

Font of Restoration
Collecting an Orb of Power causes you to gain 1 temporary Armor Charge. ...

Arc Weapon Surge
Collecting an Orb of Power causes you to gain 1 temporary Armor Charge. ...

Better Already
Your health begins to regenerate immediately after picking up an Orb of Power.

Radiant Orbs
While you have a Solar or Prismatic subclass equipped, picking up an Orb of Power makes you radiant.
Armor Charge create

Font of Restoration
Collecting an Orb of Power causes you to gain 1 temporary Armor Charge. ...

Arc Weapon Surge
Collecting an Orb of Power causes you to gain 1 temporary Armor Charge. ...
Armor Charge effect

Font of Restoration
... You gain a bonus to recovery while you have any Armor Charge. ...

Arc Weapon Surge
... Your Arc weapons gain a small bonus to damage while you have any Armor Charge. ...
Ability cooldown

Ionic Trace
... When picked up, Ionic Traces grant ability energy.
Class Ability cooldown

[Air Move] While airborne, consume your class ability energy to summon your Arc Staff, propelling yourself upward and creating a burst of energy around you that amplifies allies and jolts targets.
Grenade cooldown

Spark of Recharge
While critically wounded, your melee and grenade energy regenerates more quickly.
Melee cooldown

Momentum Transfer
Causing damage with a grenade reduces your melee cooldown.

Reduces melee cooldown when using your class ability.
Final blows

... Weapon final blows while transcendent refund Light and Dark energy after Transcendence ends.

Winning Hand
While using weapons with the Dealer's Choice origin trait, combatant precision final blows or rapidly defeating combatants cause the target to explode, dealing Solar damage to nearby combatants. ...

Creeping Chill
Stasis weapon final blows against slowed or frozen targets release a burst that slows.

Elemental Siphon
Rapid final blows with a Kinetic weapon or a weapon matching your equipped Super create an elemental pickup that matches your equipped Super.

Harmonic Siphon
Rapid Arc weapon final blows create an Orb of Power

Shortly after using your class ability, your next weapon final blow spawns an Orb of Power.
Defeating an enemy

Spark of Ions
Defeating a jolted target creates an Ionic Trace.

Winning Hand
While using weapons with the Dealer's Choice origin trait, combatant precision final blows or rapidly defeating combatants cause the target to explode, dealing Solar damage to nearby combatants. ...

Void Hegemony
While you have a Void or Prismatic subclass equipped, defeating weakened targets provides a small Void Overshield.

... Rapidly defeating targets with Arc damage makes you amplified.


Ionic trace

A bolt of pure Arc energy that travels along the ground, seeking toward its creator. When picked up, Ionic Traces grant ability energy.

Spark of Ions
Defeating a jolted target creates an Ionic Trace.

Your movement speed and weapon handling are greatly increased. After sprinting for a short time, your movement speed is further increased. Rapidly defeating targets with Arc damage makes you amplified.

Disorienting Blow
Striking a target with this melee ability blinds them and amplifies you.

[Air Move] While airborne, consume your class ability energy to summon your Arc Staff, propelling yourself upward and creating a burst of energy around you that amplifies allies and jolts targets.

The target is energized with destructive Arc Light. They take additional damage while jolted and chain lightning to nearby targets. Jolt damage causes Overload Champions to be stunned.

Spark of Ions
Defeating a jolted target creates an Ionic Trace.

Spark of Instinct
While critically wounded, taking damage emits a burst of damaging Arc energy that jolts targets.

Tempest Strike
While sliding, activate your charged melee ability to unleash a devastating uppercut attack that travels along the ground in front of you, damaging and jolting targets it hits.

[Air Move] While airborne, consume your class ability energy to summon your Arc Staff, propelling yourself upward and creating a burst of energy around you that amplifies allies and jolts targets.

Combatants are disoriented and cannot fire their weapons. Opposing Guardians' HUD is removed and their vision is obscured. When blinded, Unstoppable Champions are stunned.

Disorienting Blow
Striking a target with this melee ability blinds them and amplifies you.


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