05 Aug 2024 (Episode: Echoes - S24)


Prismatic Hunter

05 Aug 2024 (Episode: Echoes - S24)

Quick Look



Armor mods

Class items
Stats suggestion
90 100 40 100 30 20

From the build's DIM optimizer settings

Ionic trace
Darkness buffs
Light buffs
Stasis shard
Void breach
  • Relativism
    Hunter Cloak
    This item drops with random intrinsic perks.
  • Ergo Sum
    Wave Sword Frame – Heavy attack deploys a shockwave uppercut and launches the user into the air. An immediate follow up swing after the uppercut deploys a homing strike that aggressively seeks a target.
  • Syncopation-53
    Pulse Rifle
    Adaptive Frame – A well-rounded grip, reliable and sturdy.
  • Faith-Keeper
    Rocket Launcher
    Precision Frame – This weapon fires a small auto-tracking missile. Missiles lock onto targets when aimed.
  • Silence and Squall
    Stasis Super | Darkness Ability
    Summon two Stasis kamas, Silence and Squall, that you throw one after another. Silence : Creates a flash-freeze blast that freezes and damages targets. Squall : Creates a Stasis Storm that slows and damages targets caught inside.
  • Gambler's Dodge
    Class Ability
    Dodge to perform a deft tumble, avoiding enemy attacks. Dodging near enemies fully recharges your Melee Ability.
  • Triple Jump
    Movement Ability
    While airborne, sustain your air control with a second or third jump.
  • Snare Bomb
    Void Melee | Light Ability
    Throw a Smoke Bomb that attaches to surfaces and pings target radar, then detonates into a disorienting smoke cloud, weakening nearby targets. Targets within the smoke cloud take damage over time.
  • Duskfield Grenade
    Stasis Grenade | Darkness Ability
    A grenade that shatters on impact, leaving behind a field that slows targets and freezes those who do not leave the volume.
  • Threaded Specter
    Activating your class ability leaves behind a decoy woven from Strand matter that draws the attention of nearby combatants. After taking significant damage or when combatants approach, the decoy detonates, dealing damage and releasing Threadlings that seek out and attack nearby foes.
  • Winter's Shroud
    Dodging slows nearby targets. Slowing targets briefly increases your class ability regeneration.
  • Facet of Awakening
    Ionic Trace
    Void Breach
    Stasis Shard
    Rapidly defeating targets with Light or Darkness damage or Super final blows generates an elemental pickup of the matching damage type. +10 Resilience ▲
  • Facet of Balance
    Rapidly defeating targets with Light damage grants melee energy. Rapidly defeating targets with Darkness damage grants grenade energy.
  • Facet of Protection
    +10 Strength ▲ While surrounded by combatants, you are more resistant to incoming damage. While transcendent, the effect is increased.
  • Facet of Hope
    Light Buffs
    Darkness Buffs
    While you have an elemental buff, your class ability regenerates more quickly.
  • Facet of Solitude
    Landing rapid precision hits emits a severing blast from the target. While transcendent, the severing blast is bigger.
  • Facet of Dawn
    Powered melee hits against targets makes you radiant. Powered melee final blows make you and nearby allies radiant. -10 Strength ▼
Armor mods

Helmet armor mods

  • Heavy Ammo Scout
    When one of your ammo finder perks creates a brick of Heavy ammo for you, it also creates bricks of Heavy ammo for your allies.
  • Harmonic Siphon
  • Heavy Ammo Finder
    Increases the drop chance of Heavy ammo upon defeat of an opponent.

Arms armor mods

  • Heavy Handed
    Your powered melee final blows create Orbs of Power.
  • Focusing Strike
    Grants class ability energy when you cause damage with a powered melee attack.
  • Impact Induction
    Causing damage with a powered melee attack reduces your grenade cooldown.

Chest armor mods

  • Solar Resistance
    Reduces incoming Solar damage from combatants.
  • Sniper Damage Resistance
    Reduces incoming damage from combatants that are at long range.
  • Arc Resistance
    Reduces incoming Arc damage from combatants.

Leg armor mods

  • Innervation
    Reduces grenade cooldown each time you pick up an Orb of Power.
  • Better Already
    Your health begins to regenerate immediately after picking up an Orb of Power.
  • Absolution
    Reduces all ability cooldowns each time you pick up an Orb of Power.

Class item armor mods

  • Powerful Attraction
    Automatically collects nearby Orbs of Power when you activate your class ability.
  • Reaper
    Shortly after using your class ability, your next weapon final blow spawns an Orb of Power.
  • Bomber
    Reduces grenade cooldown when using your class ability.


Orb generation

Heavy Handed
Your powered melee final blows create Orbs of Power.

Harmonic Siphon

Shortly after using your class ability, your next weapon final blow spawns an Orb of Power.
Orb pickup

Reduces grenade cooldown each time you pick up an Orb of Power.

Better Already
Your health begins to regenerate immediately after picking up an Orb of Power.

Reduces all ability cooldowns each time you pick up an Orb of Power.
Ability cooldown

Reduces all ability cooldowns each time you pick up an Orb of Power.

Ionic Trace
... When picked up, Ionic Traces grant ability energy.
Class Ability cooldown

Focusing Strike
Grants class ability energy when you cause damage with a powered melee attack.

Void Breach
... When picked up, Void Breaches grant class ability energy.
Grenade cooldown

Reduces grenade cooldown each time you pick up an Orb of Power.

Facet of Balance
... Rapidly defeating targets with Darkness damage grants grenade energy.

Impact Induction
Causing damage with a powered melee attack reduces your grenade cooldown.

Reduces grenade cooldown when using your class ability.

... When picked up, Firesprites grant grenade energy.
Melee cooldown

Facet of Balance
Rapidly defeating targets with Light damage grants melee energy. ...

Stasis Shard
A small shard of Stasis matter that can be collected to restore melee energy.
Final blows

Facet of Awakening
Rapidly defeating targets with Light or Darkness damage or Super final blows generates an elemental pickup of the matching damage type. ...

Heavy Handed
Your powered melee final blows create Orbs of Power.

Facet of Dawn
... Powered melee final blows make you and nearby allies radiant. ...

Harmonic Siphon

Techeun's Regalia Vest
Queen's Favor – Generate Awoken Favors with fewer final blows. ...

Shortly after using your class ability, your next weapon final blow spawns an Orb of Power.
Defeating an enemy

Facet of Awakening
Rapidly defeating targets with Light or Darkness damage or Super final blows generates an elemental pickup of the matching damage type. ...

Facet of Balance
Rapidly defeating targets with Light damage grants melee energy. Rapidly defeating targets with Darkness damage grants grenade energy.

Heavy Ammo Finder
Increases the drop chance of Heavy ammo upon defeat of an opponent.

... Severed targets unwind into a Tangle when defeated.

...Defeating targets while Transcendent extends its duration.

... Defeating targets afflicted by any Strand debuff will unwind them and create a Tangle.



A luminous concentration of Solar energy. When picked up, Firesprites grant grenade energy.

Facet of Awakening
Rapidly defeating targets with Light or Darkness damage or Super final blows generates an elemental pickup of the matching damage type. +10 Resilience ▲
Light buffs

Light buffs include Amplified, Cure, Radiant, Restoration, Devour, Invisibility, and Overshield.

Facet of Hope
While you have an elemental buff, your class ability regenerates more quickly.

The target takes increased damage and has their movement speed slowed. Afflicted combatants have difficulty firing accurately.

Snare Bomb
Throw a Smoke Bomb that attaches to surfaces and pings target radar, then detonates into a disorienting smoke cloud, weakening nearby targets. ...

The target is trapped in Stasis matter and is unable to move. After taking additional damage while frozen, the target shatters.

Silence and Squall
... Silence : Creates a flash-freeze blast that freezes and damages targets. ...

Duskfield Grenade
A grenade that shatters on impact, leaving behind a field that slows targets and freezes those who do not leave the volume.
Stasis shard

A small shard of Stasis matter that can be collected to restore melee energy.

Facet of Awakening
Rapidly defeating targets with Light or Darkness damage or Super final blows generates an elemental pickup of the matching damage type. +10 Resilience ▲

The target's connections to the world around them are cut, and their outgoing damage is significantly reduced. Severed targets unwind into a Tangle when defeated.

Facet of Solitude
Landing rapid precision hits emits a severing blast from the target. While transcendent, the severing blast is bigger.

You resonate in perfect harmony with Light and Darkness. You gain increased ability regeneration, increased weapon damage, and damage resistance against combatants. Your grenade is replaced with a unique Prismatic grenade that combines multiple damage types. Defeating targets while Transcendent extends its duration.

Facet of Protection
...While transcendent, the effect is increased.

Facet of Solitude
... While transcendent, the severing blast is bigger.
Darkness buffs

Darkness buffs include Frost Armor and Woven Mail.

Facet of Hope
While you have an elemental buff, your class ability regenerates more quickly.

A knot of Strand matter, swirling with potential. Tangles can be shot and destroyed, or picked up and thrown, dealing damage. Defeating targets afflicted by any Strand debuff will unwind them and create a Tangle.

Facet of Awakening
Rapidly defeating targets with Light or Darkness damage or Super final blows generates an elemental pickup of the matching damage type. +10 Resilience ▲

A creature woven from pure Strand matter that seeks nearby targets and attacks, dealing damage.

Threaded Specter
... After taking significant damage or when combatants approach, the decoy detonates, dealing damage and releasing Threadlings that seek out and attack nearby foes.

The target has slowed movement and ability regeneration; their weapon performance is reduced. Slowed combatants have difficulty firing accurately and Overload Champions are stunned. After accumulating enough Slow stacks, the target is frozen.

Silence and Squall
... Squall : Creates a Stasis Storm that slows and damages targets caught inside.

Winter's Shroud
Dodging slows nearby target... Slowing targets briefly increases your class ability regeneration.

Duskfield Grenade
A grenade that shatters on impact, leaving behind a field that slows targets and freezes those who do not leave the volume.
Ionic trace

A bolt of pure Arc energy that travels along the ground, seeking toward its creator. When picked up, Ionic Traces grant ability energy.

Facet of Awakening
Rapidly defeating targets with Light or Darkness damage or Super final blows generates an elemental pickup of the matching damage type. +10 Resilience ▲

Your weapons are enhanced by the power of the Traveler and deal increased damage to combatants. While you are radiant, your weapons pierce the shields of Barrier Champions and stun them.

Facet of Dawn
Powered melee hits against targets makes you radiant. Powered melee final blows make you and nearby allies radiant. ...
Void breach

A dimensional rupture teeming with Void energy. When picked up, Void Breaches grant class ability energy.

Facet of Awakening
Rapidly defeating targets with Light or Darkness damage or Super final blows generates an elemental pickup of the matching damage type. +10 Resilience ▲


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