26 Aug 2023 (Season of the Witch - S22)


Void Warlock

26 Aug 2023 (Season of the Witch - S22)

Quick Look



Armor mods

Class items
Stats suggestion
90 90

From the build's DIM optimizer settings

Void breach
  • Verity's Brow
    The Fourth Magic – Weapon final blows with a damage type matching your grenade grant Death Throes, which provide a grenade damage bonus and grant you grenade energy. When you have Death Throes and throw a grenade, nearby allies gain greatly increased grenade regeneration for a short time.
  • Wavesplitter
    Trace Rifle
    Harmonic Laser – Laser damage has three power levels that oscillate while the trigger is held down.
  • Nova Bomb: Cataclysm
    Super Ability
    Hurl an explosive bolt of Void Light at a target, disintegrating those caught within its blast. Nova Bomb travels slowly and seeks targets. Detonations shatter into smaller seeker projectiles.
  • Scatter Grenade
    Void Grenade
    A grenade that splits into many submunitions and covers a large area with multiple explosions.
  • Pocket Singularity
    Void Melee
    Launch an unstable ball of Void energy that detonates when it nears a target, pushing them away from the blast and making them volatile.
  • Healing Rift
    Class Ability
    Conjure a well of power that continuously heals those inside it.
  • Burst Glide
    Movement Ability
    Jump while airborne to activate Glide and start an airborne drift with a strong initial boost of speed.
  • Feed the Void
    Defeat a target with a Void ability to activate Devour. Your Devour effects are improved, restoring additional health and grenade energy.
  • Child of the Old Gods
    Cast your rift to create a Void Soul. When you damage a target with a weapon, your Void Soul flies to them and drains them, doing damage and weakening them. When a target is being drained, you are granted grenade and melee energy (if running healing rift) or health (if running empowering rift). Defeating a target who is being drained by your Void Soul grants class ability energy.
  • Echo of Expulsion
    +10 Intellect ▲ Void ability final blows cause targets to explode.
  • Echo of Persistence
    Void buffs applied to you (Invisibility, Overshield, and Devour) have increased duration. -10 {primary stat} ▼
  • Echo of Instability
    +10 Strength ▲ Defeating targets with grenades grants Volatile Rounds to your Void weapons.
  • Echo of Starvation
    Void Breach
    Picking up a Void Breach or an Orb of Power grants Devour. -10 Recovery ▼
Armor mods

Helmet armor mods

  • Special Ammo Finder
    Increases the drop chance of Special ammo upon defeat of an opponent.
  • Harmonic Siphon
    Rapid Void weapon final blows create an Orb of Power
  • Ashes to Assets
    Gain bonus Super energy on grenade kills.

Arms armor mods

  • Firepower
    Your grenade final blows create Orbs of Power.
  • Fastball
    Increases grenade throw distance.
  • Grenade Kickstart
    Collecting an Orb of Power causes you to gain 1 temporary Armor Charge. When your grenade energy is fully expended, your Armor Charge is consumed and you gain grenade energy for each Armor Charge used.

Chest armor mods

  • Harmonic Resistance
    Reduces incoming Void damage from combatants
  • Charged Up
    Increases the maximum number of stacks of Armor Charge you can carry by 1.
  • Concussive Dampener
    Reduces incoming area-of-effect damage from combatants.

Leg armor mods

  • Harmonic Scavenger
    Void weapons get bonus reserves when picking up ammo used by that weapon
  • Innervation
    Reduces grenade cooldown each time you pick up an Orb of Power.
  • Stacks on Stacks
    Picking up an Orb of Power grants you 1 additional stack of Armor Charge.

Class item armor mods

  • Powerful Attraction
    Automatically collects nearby Orbs of Power when you activate your class ability.
  • Reaper
    Shortly after using your class ability, your next weapon final blow spawns an Orb of Power.
  • Bomber
    Reduces grenade cooldown when using your class ability.


Orb generation

Your grenade final blows create Orbs of Power.

Harmonic Siphon
Rapid Void weapon final blows create an Orb of Power

Shortly after using your class ability, your next weapon final blow spawns an Orb of Power.
Orb pickup

Reduces grenade cooldown each time you pick up an Orb of Power.

Stacks on Stacks
Picking up an Orb of Power grants you 1 additional stack of Armor Charge.

Grenade Kickstart
Collecting an Orb of Power causes you to gain 1 temporary Armor Charge. ...
Armor Charge create

Grenade Kickstart
Collecting an Orb of Power causes you to gain 1 temporary Armor Charge. ...
Armor Charge consume

Grenade Kickstart
... When your grenade energy is fully expended, your Armor Charge is consumed and you gain grenade energy for each Armor Charge used.
Class Ability cooldown

Child of the Old Gods
... Defeating a target who is being drained by your Void Soul grants class ability energy.

Void Breach
... When picked up, Void Breaches grant class ability energy.
Grenade cooldown

Reduces grenade cooldown each time you pick up an Orb of Power.

Feed the Void
... Your Devour effects are improved, restoring additional health and grenade energy.

Verity's Brow
The Fourth Magic – Weapon final blows with a damage type matching your grenade grant Death Throes, which provide a grenade damage bonus and grant you grenade energy. ...

Grenade Kickstart
... When your grenade energy is fully expended, your Armor Charge is consumed and you gain grenade energy for each Armor Charge used.

Reduces grenade cooldown when using your class ability.

... Final blows restore health, grant grenade energy, and extend Devour.
Melee cooldown

Child of the Old Gods
... When a target is being drained, you are granted grenade and melee energy (if running healing rift) or health (if running empowering rift). ...
Final blows

Echo of Expulsion
... Void ability final blows cause targets to explode.

Verity's Brow
The Fourth Magic – Weapon final blows with a damage type matching your grenade grant Death Throes, which provide a grenade damage bonus and grant you grenade energy. ...

Your grenade final blows create Orbs of Power.

Harmonic Siphon
Rapid Void weapon final blows create an Orb of Power

Shortly after using your class ability, your next weapon final blow spawns an Orb of Power.

... Final blows restore health, grant grenade energy, and extend Devour.
Defeating an enemy

Feed the Void
Defeat a target with a Void ability to activate Devour. ...

Child of the Old Gods
... Defeating a target who is being drained by your Void Soul grants class ability energy.

Special Ammo Finder
Increases the drop chance of Special ammo upon defeat of an opponent.

Echo of Instability
... Defeating targets with grenades grants Volatile Rounds to your Void weapons.

Feast on the energy of your defeated foes. ...



The target takes increased damage and has their movement speed slowed.

Child of the Old Gods
... When you damage a target with a weapon, your Void Soul flies to them and drains them, doing damage and weakening them. ...

You are armored with a protective barrier of Void Light. Reduces damage taken from combatants.

Echo of Persistence
Void buffs applied to you (Invisibility, Overshield, and Devour) have increased duration. ...

You vanish from sight and do not appear on radar. While invisible, your radar range is reduced. Performing offensive actions will end invisibility.

Echo of Persistence
Void buffs applied to you (Invisibility, Overshield, and Devour) have increased duration. ...

Feast on the energy of your defeated foes. Final blows restore health, grant grenade energy, and extend Devour.

Echo of Persistence
Void buffs applied to you (Invisibility, Overshield, and Devour) have increased duration. ...

Feed the Void
Defeat a target with a Void ability to activate Devou... Your Devour effects are improved, restoring additional health and grenade energy.

Echo of Starvation
Picking up a Void Breach or an Orb of Power grants Devour. ...

The target is afflicted with unstable Void energy and will explode upon taking additional damage. Volatile Rounds from your Void weapons pierce the shields of Barrier Champions and stun them.

Pocket Singularity
Launch an unstable ball of Void energy that detonates when it nears a target, pushing them away from the blast and making them volatile.

Echo of Instability
... Defeating targets with grenades grants Volatile Rounds to your Void weapons.
Void breach

A dimensional rupture teeming with Void energy. When picked up, Void Breaches grant class ability energy.

Echo of Starvation
Picking up a Void Breach or an Orb of Power grants Devour. ...


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