Basic Sunbracer build
28 May 2024 (Season of the Wish - S23)
28 May 2024 (Season of the Wish - S23)
Basic Sunbracer build
The goal of this build is to perpetually have resto x2 active, which you do by getting kills with sunbracers and sunshot while floating in the air (you only have to be off the ground so even jumping counts), using the melee energy generated to let you do snap dives as well as proc sunbracers so you can clear out ads with ease or chunk a large target by cooking him
Eat your grenade and get a snapdive to proc and extend resto x2 Always make sure you are floating when you kill stuff to make sure you are refreshing your melee and heat rises Use your melee to proc sunbracers, throw solar nades at groups of ads or a single big target to chain ignitions, refresh heat rises and resto x2 and radiant if you have it.
You regenerate health and shields over time. Cannot be interrupted by taking damage.
You are healed in a burst of mending Solar Light.
A large Solar explosion which deals damage in an area around the target and stuns Unstoppable Champions.
The target is singed by destructive Solar Light, taking damage over time. Scorch damage increases as the target accumulates more Scorch stacks. After enough Scorch stacks are applied to the target, they ignite.
Your weapons are enhanced by the power of the Traveler and deal increased damage to combatants. While you are radiant, your weapons pierce the shields of Barrier Champions and stun them.