15 Nov 2024 (Episode: Revenant - S25)

A Song of Ice and Fire (Inmost + Cyrtarachne)

Prismatic Hunter

15 Nov 2024 (Episode: Revenant - S25)

Submitted by

Ability Spam, Titan Levels of DR, Excellent Neutral Game, Excels in both High, and Low end content.


Weapon Choices

  1. Kinetic Slot - Riptide - I feel like this needs no explanations to those in the know. Chill clip is crazy good. And I spent like 5 days of my life grinding for a godroll in Crucible. Finally a build that really lets it shine. Stasis synergies to freeze and blow up enemies, or deal with 2/3 of the champion types in the game. Talk about Legendary weapons that feel like exotics. Its too good. NOTE Riptide is supposed to only apply 40 slow stacks per shot, but it seems that they have it coded strangely for the Rapid Fire Frame nerfs. You can Freeze with WIthering Blade or Winter’s Shroud (50 slow stacks) + One Chill Clip shot (40? slow stacks), which shouldn’t freeze, but it does. I’ve been abusing this for quick freezes for bonus damage, and it’s very potent.

  2. Energy Slot - BxR-55 Battler - Demolitionist + Incandescent on a classic weapon. Demolitionist feeds into our Grenade energy, and gets easy reloads from grenade/GPG spamming. Added bonus of having no ADS requirements for accuracy, for more fluid game-play with ability spam. If you detonate your GPG with this weapon, any kills will generate additional grenade energy via Demolitionist. This really improves the amount of grenades we can put out, and ensures we hardly have to reload the weapon.

  3. Heavy Weapon - Dragon’s Breath - One of the highest per shot damage heavy weapons in the game. Massive synergy with Facet of Ruin via doubling ignition size. Nearby Ignitions via Incandescent, Gunpowder Gamble, and Scatter Grenade also boost the rate at which the passive stacks. If its scary, shoot this down its throat when the passive is stacked to x5. Make sure to have Radiant proc’d via Charged Melee attacks before firing this off, and try to save your Grenades/Gunpowder Gambles/Prismatic Grenades for AFTER rocket shots, to ramp the passive and reload the weapon faster.

Primary/Energy Slot Alternatives

  1. No Hesitation - This weapon provides unparalleled team utility and survival. 5 seconds of Recovery for you, and nearby allies when you proc Physic and Support Frame. Yet another Legendary weapon that feels better than most Exotics. NOTE This weapon is PURELY for group based game-play. If you are playing solo/Lost Sectors, etc, swap this out for a Heal Clip/Demolitionist + Incandescent weapon.

  2. Heliocentric QSc - Heal Clip/Incandescent option.

  3. Adhoratative - Can roll Attrition orb/Heal Clip + Incandescent, orb generation equates to survival and more cooldown for the build. If I had one, I’d test it out. Sadly I do not.

  4. Nullify - Can roll with Heal Clip + Incandescent/Chaos Reshaped. Chaos Reshaped would add a lot of survival to the build, losing Incandescent would hurt GPG stacks and add clear slightly, but overall I think the additional bump in survival might be worth it in GM content.

Special/Kinetic Slot Alternatives

  1. Critical Anomaly - Chill Clip + Chaos Reshaped is a very potent roll. Also has the added bonus of giving us a weapon that’s better suited into fighting Tormentors.

  2. Lingering Dread - Chill Clip + Ambitious Assassin can make for a suitable replacement for Riptide, it also benefits from current seasonal grenade mods.

  3. Lost Signal - Auto Loading Holster + Vorpal/Demolitionist would be my recommendation to anybody who lacks access to any of the aforementioned Chill clip weapons. Seasonal GL synergy, good add clear, and builds Darkness bar very quickly.

Exotic Alternatives

  1. Parasite - Great synergy with the easy add clear to stack up x20 quickly. Some bosses like to run at you, making Dragon’s Breath risky. This makes for a generally safer alternative. Also benefits more heavily from enemies being frozen, as the damage is instant with up to a 3.75x multiplier at x20 stacks.

  2. Whisper of The Worm - Mostly here for situations where you need the range, or where explosive based weaponry is bad (Namely against Tormentor heavy content).

Boss Damage Rotation

NOTE Prismatic form is a MAJOR part of our boss damage rotations. Try and save Prismatic for damage phases on bosses if/when possible. We have plenty of ability spam to deal with 90% of add clear situations. Prioritize using your Ultimate in situations you feel overwhelmed over Prismatic, if you KNOW you will be fighting a boss soon/moving to its next phase.

  1. Fire off Ultimate to tether, suppress, and weaken enemies.

  2. Throw Charged Melee to proc Radiant, Fire off a Dragon’s Breath rocket, followed by your grenade and/or gunpowder gamble. Since Ignitions cause Dragon’s Breath passive to ramp faster, we want to save grenades for AFTER shooting the rocket ideally.

  3. Enable Prismatic form, and throw a grenade, followed by two charged melees to activate radiant, and briefly freeze the enemy. Since Prismatic grenades cook a while, the Ignition should be timed for after the next Rocket.

  4. Fire your second Dragon’s Breath rocket, followed by a grenade, and melee. Make sure to dodge off cooldown to build up Inmost Light stacks to further your Radiant ability spam, even if you aren’t in range of Gambler’s Dodge/Winter’s Shroud.

  5. Prioritize fully charged Rockets, followed by prismatic Ability spam, and fill with Auto-Loading/Chill Clip Riptide between rockets to freeze the enemy for the Rocket detonations. Always try and use your grenade/gunpowder gamble AFTER rocket shots to reload your Rocket and build stacks faster.

Quick Look



Armor mods

Class items
Stats suggestion
80 100 10 100 30 40

Exotic Class Item

Spirit of Inmost Light + Spirit of Cyrtarachne is the basis of this build. The combination is quite potent, and it’s the cloak I hunted for several months. Spirit of Inmost Light allows for an immense level of ability spam, and Cyrtarachne gives us a massive bump to our survivability.

Fragment Choices

  1. Hope - More Class Ability recovery for having a light buff active (radiance / void overshield). Pretty straightforward, we want our dodge more often to feed our melee, and Inmost Light loop.

  2. Dawn - Powered Melee Attacks make you Radiant. Since we have nearly unlimited abilities, we have basically 100% uptime on Radiant. More damage.

  3. Purpose - Orb of Power provides elemental buff, in our case, Void Overshield. This is for survival purposes, 70% DR from the Shield is immense, and contributes massively to the DR formula. See Damage Reduction for a detailed explanation.

  4. Ruin - Increase the Size and Damage of Ignitions, and Stasis Shatters. The build is based almost entirely around this fragment. I’ve wanted a Stasis/Solar setup like this for ages.

  5. Balance - Rapid Light kills = Melee Energy, Rapid Dark kills = Grenade energy. Feeds into the Inmost Light loop. The build mostly kills with Light damage via Grenades and Solar Primary weapon Ignitions. This gives us more Melee energy to spam them to give us more Grenade energy. Great feedback loop.

  6. Protection - 15% Damage Reduction while surrounded. Build is already very survivable, while we are very diminished with our DR returns, the amount of Effective HP gained from adding more DR at this point starts to reach pretty wild numbers.


  1. Gunpowder Gamble - Ability Kills and Kills against debuffed targets charge an Ignition Grenade. Massive part of why this build is so potent synergy-wise. Additional Grenade casts to provide uptime of Cyrtarachne and give more Inmost light Stacks.

  2. Winter’s Shroud - Dodging Slows Nearby Targets, it also provides 50% DR for ~4 seconds according to the Destiny Data Compendium. Since we get our Melee back from dodges, we can basically instantly Freeze anything in close proximity between the Slow on Dodge + the slow on Withering Blade. Additionally, slowing targets provides increased cooldown reduction to your class ability. Triggered by itself, Withering Blade, Duskfield Grenades (if equipped), as well as Chill Clip.


  1. Gambler’s Dodge - When you dodge near an enemy, we get our melee back. Contributes heavily to Inmost Light loop, and synergizes with “Winter’s Shroud”.

  2. Triple Jump - Personal preference, use what you like.

  3. Withering Blade - Has two charges, slows, provides darkness synergies for building prismatic bars, and for slowing/freezing champions or really anything.

  4. Swarm Grenade - Stacks up gunpowder gamble more quickly, and is a lot faster at being impactful than Duskfield Grenades. That being said, Duskfields are still very potent, and arguably better in higher end content. I would advise swapping to them in any Champion Heavy content.

  5. Shadowshot: Deadfall - Weaken, damage spread, Suppression, and enables Void Overshields via orb pickups.

Gear Mods

  1. Head - Heavy Ammo Finder x1, Special Ammo Finder x1, Solar Siphon x1 - Ensures we have ammo for our weapons, Solar siphon provides a LOT of Orbs of Power to fuel our survival, and ability loops. NOTE - These mods recquire 9 mod space, you need to sacrifice 100 mobility for 80 mobility to fit most of the mods on this setup. Two additional ranks into mobility only provide 2 seconds of additional cooldown. It’s not worth the points.

  2. Hands - Firepower x1, Heavy Handed x1, Grenade Kickstart x1 - Lots of orb generation from ability spam, and grenade kickstart to make use of otherwise unutilized armor charges. NOTE - Same as above

  3. Chest - Concussive Dampener x1, Stasis Reserves x2 - Survival, and more ammo on Riptide for additional chill clip shots.

  4. Legs - Absolution x1, Orbs of Restoration x1, Orbs of Restoration x1 - Turns orbs we generate into additional cooldown reduction to feed Inmost light loop. They’re the most efficient for the build, as they provide the highest percent reductions to cooldowns. NOTE Orbs of Restoration is generally a worse option than Recuperation, but since we get Void Overshields via fragments on orb pickup, the Overshield protects regeneration until broken. So it ends up being the better recovery option for the build.

  5. Cloak - Reaper x1, Powerful Attraction x2 - Orb generation, and 18.5 meter range to pickup orbs of power nearby when you dodge. Not only are orbs survival, but they’re a massive contributor to our skill feedback loop, as well as ultimate generation.

Gameplay Loop
  1. Use first melee charge to proc Radiant, and prime enemies with slow to build Gunpowder Gamble and proc Inmost Light.

  2. Use Grenade/Gunpowder Gamble to proc Cyrtarachne, and repeat every 10 seconds or when available to maintain Inmost light stacks, and Woven Mail.

  3. Clear Adds with BxR-55 Battler, keeping in mind that your grenades and GPG will reload the magazine. Additionally, detonating the GPG Ignition with the BxR will proc Demolitionist on kills. Really pumps the grenade spam on the build.

  4. Gambler’s Dodge when in proximity of enemies to slow them, give yourself Damage Reduction, Refresh Melee, scoop up all Orbs of Power within 18.5 meters via Powerful Attraction. Thus giving you massive amounts of cooldown reduction and health regen via Leg Mods, Void Overshield via Fragment, as well as more Inmost Light Stacks. Note Void Overshield protects health recovery. so Better Already is a superior recovery option over Recuperation (Generally the better option).

  5. Use your Ultimate when there is a major threat surrounded by enemies, or hordes of enemy spawns to deal with. Great crowd control in a pinch, and amplification of AoE damage.

  6. Build Prismatic form insanely quickly because you spit out abilities at an immense rate, only to be amplified even more when in prismatic form. You can go an entire Onslaught wave without running out of prismatic energy due to how quickly abilities come out.

  7. If its big, bad and scary. Put a Dragon’s Breath down it’s throat, and watch it cook. If it’s a champion, stun them before hand. Make sure to have Radiant up via Powered Melee before firing off a shot. Note Check the Boss Damage Rotation section under In-Depth Explainations for damage rotation on bosses.

  8. Spam Spam Spam, Pew Pew Pew, Hip Fire Support Frame/Physic Heal, Spam Spam Spam, Pew Pew Pew, Profit.

Bolt charge
Darkness buffs
Darkness debuffs
Light buffs
Light debuffs
Frost armor
Woven mail
  • Relativism
    Hunter Cloak
    This item drops with random intrinsic perks.
  • Dragon's Breath
    Rocket Launcher
    Composite Propellant – Rockets embed themselves in struck targets and periodically eject incendiary fuel that inflicts Scorch. The longer this weapon goes without firing, the more fuel the next rocket contains.
  • Timeworn Wayfarer
    Scout Rifle
    Aggressive Frame – High damage, high recoil.
  • Riptide
    Fusion Rifle
    Rapid-Fire Frame – Deeper ammo reserves. Slightly faster reload when magazine is empty.
  • Shadowshot: Deadfall
    Void Super | Light Ability
    Tether foes to a Void Anchor, weakening and suppressing them for you and your allies. The Void Anchors fired from Shadowshot pull targets toward the impact point, which then become traps and wait for prey. Void Anchors have increased range and last longer.
  • Gambler's Dodge
    Class Ability
    Dodge to perform a deft tumble, avoiding enemy attacks. Dodging near enemies fully recharges your Melee Ability.
  • Triple Jump
    Movement Ability
    While airborne, sustain your air control with a second or third jump.
  • Withering Blade
    Stasis Melee | Darkness Ability
    Toss a Stasis Shuriken at targets to damage and slow them. Provides multiple charges.
  • Swarm Grenade
    Solar Grenade | Light Ability
    A grenade that detonates on impact, releasing multiple drones that seek nearby targets. Each drone slightly scorches affected targets.
  • Winter's Shroud
    Dodging slows nearby targets. Slowing targets briefly increases your class ability regeneration.
  • Gunpowder Gamble
    Light Debuffs
    Darkness Debuffs
    Defeat targets with abilities, elemental debuff damage, or Solar weapons to charge up an improvised Solar explosive. : Throw a Solar explosive that can be shot in mid-air to cause an ignition.
  • Facet of Purpose
    Bolt Charge
    Frost Armor
    Woven Mail
    Picking up an Orb of Power grants either Bolt Charge, Restoration, Frost Armor, Woven Mail, or Overshield based on the damage type of your equipped Super. -10 Recovery ▼
  • Facet of Ruin
    Increases the size and damage of the burst when you shatter a Stasis crystal or frozen target, and increases the area of effect of Solar ignitions. +10 Mobility ▲
  • Facet of Balance
    Rapidly defeating targets with Light damage grants melee energy. Rapidly defeating targets with Darkness damage grants grenade energy.
  • Facet of Protection
    +10 Strength ▲ While surrounded by combatants, you are more resistant to incoming damage. While transcendent, the effect is increased.
  • Facet of Hope
    Light Buffs
    Darkness Buffs
    While you have an elemental buff, your class ability regenerates more quickly.
  • Facet of Dawn
    Powered melee hits against targets makes you radiant. Powered melee final blows make you and nearby allies radiant. -10 Strength ▼
Armor mods

Helmet armor mods

  • Special Ammo Finder
    Increases the drop chance of Special ammo upon defeat of an opponent.
  • Solar Siphon
    Rapid Solar weapon final blows create an Orb of Power.
  • Heavy Ammo Finder
    Increases the drop chance of Heavy ammo upon defeat of an opponent.

Arms armor mods

  • Heavy Handed
    Your powered melee final blows create Orbs of Power.
  • Firepower
    Your grenade final blows create Orbs of Power.
  • Grenade Kickstart
    Collecting an Orb of Power causes you to gain 1 temporary Armor Charge. When your grenade energy is fully expended, your Armor Charge is consumed and you gain grenade energy for each Armor Charge used.

Chest armor mods

  • Stasis Reserves (x2)
    Increases the amount of ammo you can carry for Stasis weapons.
  • Concussive Dampener
    Reduces incoming area-of-effect damage from combatants.

Leg armor mods

  • Orbs of Restoration
    Picking up an Orb of Power grants a small amount of energy to your ability with the least energy.
  • Better Already
    Your health begins to regenerate immediately after picking up an Orb of Power.
  • Absolution
    Reduces all ability cooldowns each time you pick up an Orb of Power.

Class item armor mods

  • Powerful Attraction (x2)
    Automatically collects nearby Orbs of Power when you activate your class ability.
  • Reaper
    Shortly after using your class ability, your next weapon final blow spawns an Orb of Power.


Orb generation

Heavy Handed
Your powered melee final blows create Orbs of Power.

Your grenade final blows create Orbs of Power.

Shortly after using your class ability, your next weapon final blow spawns an Orb of Power.

Solar Siphon
Rapid Solar weapon final blows create an Orb of Power.
Orb pickup

Orbs of Restoration
Picking up an Orb of Power grants a small amount of energy to your ability with the least energy.

Facet of Purpose
Picking up an Orb of Power grants either Bolt Charge, Restoration, Frost Armor, Woven Mail, or Overshield based on the damage type of your equipped Super. ...

Better Already
Your health begins to regenerate immediately after picking up an Orb of Power.

Reduces all ability cooldowns each time you pick up an Orb of Power.

Grenade Kickstart
Collecting an Orb of Power causes you to gain 1 temporary Armor Charge. ...
Armor Charge create

Grenade Kickstart
Collecting an Orb of Power causes you to gain 1 temporary Armor Charge. ...
Armor Charge consume

Grenade Kickstart
... When your grenade energy is fully expended, your Armor Charge is consumed and you gain grenade energy for each Armor Charge used.
Ability cooldown

Reduces all ability cooldowns each time you pick up an Orb of Power.
Grenade cooldown

...Dealing melee damage while transcendent greatly increases your grenade energy regeneration, and vice versa. ...

Facet of Balance
... Rapidly defeating targets with Darkness damage grants grenade energy.

Grenade Kickstart
... When your grenade energy is fully expended, your Armor Charge is consumed and you gain grenade energy for each Armor Charge used.
Melee cooldown

Facet of Balance
Rapidly defeating targets with Light damage grants melee energy. ...

Bolt Charge
... Receiving a stack of Bolt Charge grants you melee energy.
Final blows

Heavy Handed
Your powered melee final blows create Orbs of Power.

Your grenade final blows create Orbs of Power.

Facet of Dawn
... Powered melee final blows make you and nearby allies radiant. ...

Shortly after using your class ability, your next weapon final blow spawns an Orb of Power.

Solar Siphon
Rapid Solar weapon final blows create an Orb of Power.
Defeating an enemy

...Defeating targets while transcendent extends its duration.

Special Ammo Finder
Increases the drop chance of Special ammo upon defeat of an opponent.

Facet of Balance
Rapidly defeating targets with Light damage grants melee energy. Rapidly defeating targets with Darkness damage grants grenade energy.

Gunpowder Gamble
Defeat targets with abilities, elemental debuff damage, or Solar weapons to charge up an improvised Solar explosive. ...

Heavy Ammo Finder
Increases the drop chance of Heavy ammo upon defeat of an opponent.

...Defeating targets while Transcendent extends its duration.



You regenerate health and shields over time. Cannot be interrupted by taking damage.

Facet of Purpose
Picking up an Orb of Power grants either Bolt Charge, Restoration, Frost Armor, Woven Mail, or Overshield based on the damage type of your equipped Super. ...

You are armored with a protective barrier of Void Light. Reduces damage taken from combatants.

Facet of Purpose
Picking up an Orb of Power grants either Bolt Charge, Restoration, Frost Armor, Woven Mail, or Overshield based on the damage type of your equipped Super. ...
Light debuffs

Light debuffs include Blind, Jolt, Scorch, Ignitions, Suppression, Volatile, and Weaken.

Gunpowder Gamble
Defeat targets with abilities, elemental debuff damage, or Solar weapons to charge up an improvised Solar explosive. : Throw a Solar explosive that can be shot in mid-air to cause an ignition.
Woven mail

Your body is encased in a protective mesh of tightly woven Strand matter, greatly reducing any incoming non-precision damage.

Facet of Purpose
Picking up an Orb of Power grants either Bolt Charge, Restoration, Frost Armor, Woven Mail, or Overshield based on the damage type of your equipped Super. ...
Light buffs

Light buffs include Amplified, Bolt Charge, Cure, Radiant, Restoration, Devour, Invisibility, and Overshield.

Facet of Hope
While you have an elemental buff, your class ability regenerates more quickly.
Frost armor

You are fortified by layers of durable Stasis matter, reducing incoming damage. Frost Armor damage resistance grows stronger as you gain additional stacks.

Facet of Purpose
Picking up an Orb of Power grants either Bolt Charge, Restoration, Frost Armor, Woven Mail, or Overshield based on the damage type of your equipped Super. ...

The target takes increased damage and has their movement speed slowed.

Shadowshot: Deadfall
Tether foes to a Void Anchor, weakening and suppressing them for you and your allies. ...
Darkness debuffs

Darkness debuffs include Slow, Freeze, Sever, Suspend, and Unravel.

Gunpowder Gamble
Defeat targets with abilities, elemental debuff damage, or Solar weapons to charge up an improvised Solar explosive. : Throw a Solar explosive that can be shot in mid-air to cause an ignition.

The target has slowed movement and ability regeneration; their weapon performance is reduced. Overload Champions are stunned. After accumulating enough Slow stacks, the target is frozen.

Hailfire Spike
: Throw a device charged with Stasis matter and Solar energy that attaches to surfaces or targets, then erupts into a slowing storm. ...

Withering Blade
Toss a Stasis Shuriken at targets to damage and slow them. ...

Winter's Shroud
Dodging slows nearby target... Slowing targets briefly increases your class ability regeneration.

You resonate in perfect harmony with Light and Darkness. You gain increased ability regeneration, increased weapon damage, and damage resistance against combatants. Your grenade is replaced with a unique Prismatic grenade that combines multiple damage types. Defeating targets while Transcendent extends its duration.

... While Transcendence is active, your grenade is replaced by a unique Prismatic grenade that deals both Light and Dark damage. Dealing melee damage while transcendent greatly increases your grenade energy regeneration, and vice versa. Defeating targets while transcendent extends its duration.

Facet of Protection
...While transcendent, the effect is increased.
Darkness buffs

Darkness buffs include Frost Armor and Woven Mail.

Facet of Hope
While you have an elemental buff, your class ability regenerates more quickly.

A large Solar explosion which deals damage in an area around the target and stuns Unstoppable Champions.

Hailfire Spike
... After a short duration, the device ignites, creating a deadly scorching cyclone.

Facet of Ruin
Increases the size and damage of the burst when you shatter a Stasis crystal or frozen target, and increases the area of effect of Solar ignitions. ...

Gunpowder Gamble
... : Throw a Solar explosive that can be shot in mid-air to cause an ignition.

Swarm Grenade
A grenade that detonates on impact, releasing multiple drones that seek nearby targets. Each drone slightly scorches affected targets.
Bolt charge

Accumulate stacks of Arc Bolt Charge. While you have Bolt Charge, sustained weapon damage generates stacks of Bolt Charge. At maximum stacks, any ability damage generates a powerful bolt of Arc lightning at the target's location. Receiving a stack of Bolt Charge grants you melee energy.

Facet of Purpose
Picking up an Orb of Power grants either Bolt Charge, Restoration, Frost Armor, Woven Mail, or Overshield based on the damage type of your equipped Super. ...

The target is singed by destructive Solar Light, taking damage over time. Scorch damage increases as the target accumulates more Scorch stacks. After enough Scorch stacks are applied to the target, they ignite.

Hailfire Spike
... After a short duration, the device ignites, creating a deadly scorching cyclone.

Swarm Grenade
... Each drone slightly scorches affected targets.

The target is taken out of any active abilities and cannot activate any abilities or movement modes while suppression persists. Afflicted combatants cannot fire their weapons. When suppressed, Overload Champions are stunned.

Shadowshot: Deadfall
Tether foes to a Void Anchor, weakening and suppressing them for you and your allies. ...

When a frozen target is shattered, they take damage and deal damage to nearby targets. Shatter damage causes Unstoppable Champions to be stunned.

Facet of Ruin
Increases the size and damage of the burst when you shatter a Stasis crystal or frozen target, and increases the area of effect of Solar ignitions. ...

Your weapons are enhanced by the power of the Traveler and deal increased damage to combatants. While you are radiant, your weapons pierce the shields of Barrier Champions and stun them.

Facet of Dawn
Powered melee hits against targets makes you radiant. Powered melee final blows make you and nearby allies radiant. ...

The target is trapped in Stasis matter and is unable to move. After taking additional damage while frozen, the target shatters.

Hailfire Spike
: Throw a device charged with Stasis matter and Solar energy that attaches to surfaces or targets, then erupts into a slowing storm. After a short duration, the device ignites, creating a deadly scorching cyclone.

Facet of Ruin
Increases the size and damage of the burst when you shatter a Stasis crystal or frozen target, and increases the area of effect of Solar ignitions. +10 Mobility ▲


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